Religion in Universities

<p>I have already been accepted by several universities, and I am now in the process of selecting what school I would most like to attend next year. The two that are at the top of my list right now are Notre Dame (Catholic) and Baylor (Baptist). I am a Christian, my family is half Catholic and half Baptist (yes, an odd mix), and I attend church regularly, but I am not particular fond of people forcing religion upon others when it isn't in the right setting. I was wondering if anyone could tell me a little bit about the student life at these two universities. Do the students attack/ostracize you for having different beliefs? How often does religion come up in conversations outside of the church or classroom setting? Here is one example of what I am talking about: I have heard that at Baylor, if you don't attend Christian concerts or other similar activities on campus, that the students are not as friendly with you (or at least treat you differently from those who do attend). Can anyone validify or deny this story? This concern will not decide where I choose go to school next year, but will definitely play some role in my final decision (seeing as it is the next four years of my life). I appreciate any advice that I may receive.</p>

<p>you might want to check the forums for each of these schools if you haven't already. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>My friend went to Baylor and commented on the weekly service issue and how important it is on campus. I don't know about Notre Dame.</p>

<p>Either way, you really shouldn't be considering Baylor if you've been accepted to ND. Baylor is WAY overrated and overpriced.</p>

<p>is baylor even rated high enough to be considered overrated?</p>

<p>lol no but most of my friends don't pay attention to ratings; they just think Baylor is the Harvard of the South. :rolleyes:</p>