Religious Studies Major

<p>Is there any benefit to this degree? If I sought after one, it would be a dual major comboed with either Computer Science or Biology. Anyone in this major, is it as interesting as it seems?</p>

<p>if you’re double majoring in something practical like CS or Bio, I would guess that majoring in religious studies won’t hurt you</p>

<p>It is interesting if you enjoy learning about other beliefs, cultures, and their impact on societies. I have always found comparative religion to be very interesting to learn about. There are fewer “practical” applications though, unless you are seeking graduate study to counsel, go into ministry, or research. </p>

<p>Unless you want to try to make a career out of it, I would suggest to save yourself the hassle of scheduling for a double major and just major in what you want to pursue as a career. Depending on your major, you will have ample room for elective courses which allow you to be selective in what types of courses you want to take - such as specific religion courses that will satisfy your interests. You could also minor in it if you’d like, although minors don’t carry much weight on resumes.</p>