<p>how religous is bc, on a scale of BYU to Hampshire College(or something like that) where does bc rank? how will an atheist (also jewish) extreme liberal (ive been called a communist more thatn once) fit in at bc, i love boston, and big time sports, and want to do social sciences.</p>
<p>i probably should have thought about this before i applied, but i was not expecting the 2 ivy rejects, </p>
<p>i got in to bu and wisconcin and am still waiting on amherst and williams (not expecting to much from either) and umich and uva</p>
<p>Its not something thats in your face or anything. I know non-religous people who go to BC. Im also extremely liberal, and the enviornemtn at BC is what you make of it and which people you surround yourslef with.</p>
<p>I'm someone who has no religious affiliation although I do attend church and temple every once in a while during the holiday seasons (my family celebrates both sets of holidays). I am also pretty liberal, as I spent a long time working for Howard Dean and my current governor who is a democrat. So I can relate to you on those levels.</p>
<p>BC is currently my top choice and I've spoken to professors (who are friends of my family) and students about my concerns with religion. Everyone has said that it doesn't play a major role in anything. If you had to catergorize the professors as left or right the majority would be lefties. The professor that I personally know is Jewish and said that he knows a lot of Jewish professors at BC. </p>