Reporting ACT Scores

<p>What schools require you to report ALL ACT scores that you've taken? I think I've heard Stanford/Cornell do, what other very competitive schools do?</p>


<p>To be honest, I dont think any schools require you to send all your ACT scores. It would be pointless since they dont use sub scores and anyway they are only going to factor in the highest composite score. I would just send in my highest. And to be honest its sort of expensive anyway so if you are having financial issues then maybe you can just tell them that you can send the highest.</p>

<p>It says from Stanford’s site</p>

<p>“Applicants must submit scores from all SAT tests (including Subject Tests) taken or all ACT tests taken. Applicants cannot elect to “hide” any scores with either testing agency.”</p>

<p>Ok I just did really bad on my second ACT, and probably did not improve from my 1st (prob 33 again) Is there anyway to not report this? Or decline to report it? I don’t want colleges to think I am taking as many ACT tests as I can just to get a higher score 35/36.</p>

<p>Yeah, that’s what I’m wondering, got owned on December ACT</p>

<p>anyone else have some info?</p>