Reporting AP exams as 'not received'

If I report an AP exam as ‘not received’ on a UC/CSU app, will I have to report my score? Because I’m not sure if I’ll be taking my APES exam because I don’t see a point if my teacher has told us that he’s not teaching us to prepare us for the AP exam so he’ll only be covering fewer chapters but in more depth. If I choose not to take the AP exam and I reported it as not received, can I just say that I didn’t take it when they ask for the score?

If you do get accepted to a school, you will need to provide the AP transcript to the school. This is done as a normal activity when taking any AP class in May. If you choose not to take a test, you will then need to notify the school that you didn’t take the test. It’s not a big deal, no penalties will occur.

As an FYI, if your course is labelled APES on your transcript, and your teacher is not teaching the full syllabus, then your HS is in violation of its agreement with the CB and risks having one or more of its AP courses decertified at the next audit.

As for your specific question, I don’t know what “not received” means in terms of the UC application. If you say on the application that you are planning on taking the exam, and then don’t, yes you should tell them. If you don’t indicate on your application that you are planning to take the exam, then you don’t have to do anything else.