Reporting AP scores

I just wanted to report that I have asked the UCs for guidance on reporting AP exams - as some do not want to report ALL their scores (if they didn’t do well). I was told (in writing) that you have to (REQUIRED) either self-report ALL scores or none. They said you can not pick and choose which scores you want to report. The official word is that “non-passing” scores do not disadvantage a student in the admissions process as it shows a student attempted the exam. I found this interesting because on the Common App - a student can list all, none or pick and choose. Just FYI.

Some schools definitely have policies which require disclosure of all scores.

@momofsenior1 - and which colleges are you talking about? The ALL scores colleges that I know are for the ACT/SAT/SAT subject tests. Your statement is a very general statement.

When my D applied to colleges two cycles ago, there were a few schools that wouldn’t accept self reported AP scores (U Mich was one). As such, she needed to send in the official report from college board which did not allow her to pick and choose which scores to send.

Plus at her school, all AP tests were on her official transcript anyway.

Check the policy for each school you are applying to as admissions requirements can change year to year. Sounds like you already got the information you needed from the UCs.

@momofsenior1 I think you are confusing my original question. ALL of the colleges that I have ever dealt with - UMich included - are fine with self-reported AP scores. They are NOT required for admission. On the Common App - that section is OPTIONAL. The AP scores (official scores from the CB) are only required once a student matriculates to the college and wants to get AP credit. I am not talking about sending official scores. My question is about self-reporting. I was noting the requirement of self-reported AP scores for the UC application. I am very well aware of testing requirements for colleges, how to report, checking websites, etc - I am a college counselor!