Reporting Cal Grant?

<p>Under the Financial Aid section inside Bearfacts, it asks you to report any private scholarships or grants you will receive in the incoming year. Do I have to report Cal Grant? I know for a fact that the school KNOWS either you get Cal Grant or not, so I am not sure if we still have to report it. I really don't want to "double report" my Cal Grant and jeopardize my financial aid package.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p><em>I posted this accidentally in the Berkeley 2010, but I am pretty sure class of 2010 probably couldn't help me very much :(</em></p>

<p>wait...i had a question about my calgrant too...under my bearfacts under financial aid, it doesn't say anything about a calgrant. does yours? is it supposed to?</p>

<p>Nope. It doesn't say anything about Cal Grant. We both have the same question :S</p>

<p>so... this is what i did. i called the cal grant people, and when i checked the status of my cal grant, it said that i recieved one, but it was for a different school. so i spoke to someone from there and had her change it. then she told me to call the berkeley fin aid office and tell them that i recieved one, but berkeley wasn't the first school listed on my cal grant award thing (is this your situation as well?). so i did, and they told me to make a copy of the award notification and send it to them. so i did, and i got an e-mail from them today, telling me to do other stuff so that it'll all work out. </p>

<p>so you should probably call the cal grant office first (888) 224-7268, and then you will probably figure out what to do from there yourself, depending on your situation.</p>

<p>hope that helps.</p>

<p>Don't worry too much about the Cal Grant... the Cal Bears Scholarship will be decreased dollar for dollar when the Cal Grant is added to your financial aid package. I also had to clear up my financial aid offer a month ago pertaining to the lack of the Cal Grant.</p>