<p>So I took IB biology SL as a junior and maintained an A for both semesters (one of about 5 or 6 students). When the IB test rolled around, I scored a 4. I am extremely dissapointed in this score. It turns out, however, that of the 40 or 50 kids who took the class, 3 of us got a 4 and everyone else 3 or lower. This score is a direct result of my teacher and the curriculum (clearly- based on everyone else's poor scoring). Can I not report this score on common app? Or am I basically obligated to? Should I report it and explain my situation in the extra information box? </p>
<p>I'm really angry about this score, our teacher REFUSED to teach sexual reproduction (how immature is that) and decided she DOESN'T LIKE GEL ELECTROPHORESIS. We took the IB test without any idea that these topics were even on the test.</p>
<p>Haha why doesn’t she like gel electrophoresis?
Those agar cubes are pretty cute to play with :P</p>
<p>Anyway I don’t think it’s obligatory to report the scores,
but the colleges MIGHT wonder why you didn’t take the corresponding IB test if you took the course.
It shouldn’t be detrimental or anything though, imo.</p>
<p>Oh my goodness, I feel very sorry for you! (Full IB Diploma here, in my 2nd year of HL Bio). I definitely know what you mean when you talk about teachers who cannot teach. Wow, refusing to teach the sexual reproduction unit is REALLY IMMATURE and stupid because IB focuses A TON on that section (at least in HL; I assume it is similar for SL).</p>
<li>Do not panic.</li>
<li>IB scores do NOT need to be reported on the Common App; it is completely a choice. </li>
<li>If you choose to report another IB score however (ie, if you took a/an IB test(s) other than the SL Bio), just putting it on the Common App doesn’t make it official; you need to send in a copy from the IBO (don’t know if this costs money). Importantly, I don’t know if this will lead all of your scores to be sent (like SAT IIs are).</li>
<li>IB scores, like AP scores, don’t really count for that much; the grades you get in class are far more important. </li>
<p>If I were you, I would not report the IB Bio SL score because it is unnecessary and would likely be detrimental. Congrats on surviving that experience. </p>