Reposted here, from the UC Davis forum. Will UC Davis accept me?

<p>After more, careful research, I’ve decided that UC Davis is my first choice school for the fall of 2006. Given that, what are my chances (in percentage) at this fine university?</p>

<p>4.0 UC GPA (Not ELC, but statewide eligible)
Class rank: 50 out of 606
2010 SAT I (600 Math, 660 CR, 750 Writing)
SAT II: 760 US History, 610 Molecular Biology
AP scores: 3 Biology, 4 US History
Will take six more AP tests this year. I have taken the most difficult courseload I can all four years of high school, although, in my senior year, I have replaced AP Calculus with AP Statistics, and AP Physics with regular Physics. Also, I did not take AP European History my sophomore year, but chose instead to take Modern World History, a regular course as opposed to an AP.
Extracurriculars: Heavy involvement in athletics (track, cross country, and tennis), as well as in Girl Scouts. Minor member in a few other clubs and activities.
My essays, I think, were pretty well-written on the application.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for your replies :-).</p>

<p>Your chances are pretty good. I think they'll accept you :)</p>

<p>UCD: Match</p>

<p>I don't think you'll have any problem getting in. They were the only UC that sent me postcards begging me to apply and I'm nothing special.</p>

<p>I think your chances look good, although its hard to consider any UC as a safety...they can be so fickle sometimes. I am curious, What made you pick Davis?</p>

<p>What made me pick Davis? Well, the environment, the aesthetics, the myriad of student activities, the school spirit, the seemingly-friendly student body, and I could go on...</p>

<p>Basically, I've fallen in love with this university, and if I get in, I'm going, for sure. Nevertheless, if I get into Berkeley (hah hah hah...yeah right), I might consider going there, or, if I fail to get into Davis, I might consider a CSU in/around nothern or central California, or another UC school.</p>

<p>Looks good to me, too. Also, if it helps any, someone near and dear attends UCD and LOVES it there.</p>

<p>ucd = in !!!</p>

<p>shayant, you have pulled up a thread from FOUR years ago. And yes, the OP was accepted at Davis, but chose to attend UCI.</p>

<p>Lol, this guy is probably graduating already.</p>

<p>Woa… that’s a long time ago…</p>

<p>ok guys. at least my prediction was right!!!</p>

<p>I’m getting ready to apply for colleges and Davis is my number one choice too. I want to know how I should look at this school. Is it a reach or an actual possibility for me?
(I want to be a communications major)</p>

<p>3.6 unweighted gpa
Class rank: 30 out of 559</p>

<p>I took the SAT twice and might take it a third time because, although I improved my Math and Writing scores, something went wrong with Critical Reading.
1st try: (Math 470, CR 660, Writing 540)
2nd try: (Math 540, CR 530, Writing 630)</p>

<p>ACT: 23</p>

<p>AP scores: 3 Psych, 3 English Lit
Extracurriculars: 3 years of soccer, 3 years of ASB, ASB President, a fair amount of community service</p>

<p>What do you all think?</p>