Requirements for Comm school

<p>Hi guys , so after researching for a while I didn't find any information on whether comm school students should finish Second Writing Requirement and all of Area Requirements or not. I just found out that students who are planing to enroll to comm school have to complete first-year writing , foreign language requirement, math requirements(calculus and statistics), certain comm school pre-requirement and certain arts and humanity classes due to the end of student's sophomore year. The question is: if student do get accepted into comm school does student has to further finish rest of the area req and sec. year writing req?
If these requirements are omitted for comm schoolers then->Another question-> if student is double majoring , lets say, economics and commerce from A&S school and Comm School, then does student has to finish area and sec. year writing requirement?
Thanks guys!</p>

<p>McIntire is considered to be a school outside the College. If you are accepted to McIntire you need to have fulfilled their prerequisites and all the courses in your concentration(s) to earn your degree in Commerce. And you do not need to complete the remaining area requirements for the College/A&S undergraduate program. However, you get caught in a catch 22 per se if you don’t get into McIntire. You have to then complete the balance of your A&S area requirements as well as all your intended major courses. Note UVa recommends you have all your area requirements completed by the end of your fourth semester. </p>

<p>Your best avenue is to take all your McIntire prerequisites which many courses do overlap with your area requirements. Stay on track to complete the A&S area requirements as well as any prerequisites for a major within the College ie Economics in case you do not get accepted into McIntire. McIntire admissions is cognizant of those students not taking a rigorous course load, not trying to fulfill the College area requirements and just easing through the system to boost their GPA with their electives to get into the program. </p>

<p>You will find that many students follow the McIntire track and as they take other courses they realize they have discovered other interest that lead to pursuing a different path, a second major or even a minor. </p>

<p>I know this gets a little confusing the way it is worded on the McIntire site. To answer your question specifically, if you have been accepted to the Commerce School and are pursuing another major outside of McIntire you only have to fulfill McIntire’s requirements. This is because your degree is Commerce. You can only graduate with one degree. However you can graduate with two majors and a minor. One of those majors would be Commerce and the other (if you meet all the departments requirements) in whatever you choose. If you do not get into McIntire then the College requires you fulfill all the area requirements as well as all the courses you need to take toward your declared major(s). </p>

<p>Best of luck to you!</p>

<p>Thank you for taking your time to answer my question thoroughly and comprehensibly. I really appreciate your attitude! Many thanks ! :smiley: Are you a student/or was a student at UVA? if then what is/was your major?</p>