Rescind admissions / curriculum change?

<p>I know that U of M says if there is a "significant change" in your curriculum that they can rescind your admissions. How likely is this?</p>

<p>I said I would take a writing course, geology, and astronomy over the summer. I found out that geology caused a time conflict and they agreed to let me take economics. Now it looks like astronomy might be full before I can get in to take the math placement test I need to be able to get into the course. I hate to write my admissions counselor again and ask for another change, but I'm not sure what else to do if the class fills up (or worse yet if I can't place high enough in math). Am I risking my acceptance if I don't get into this course? Will it even matter if I take different courses but still get A's?</p>

<p>It'd be great if someone out there like Alexander or hoedown could give me some advice on how this will affect things. I've waited too long to get in just to loose it now.</p>

<p>I think that it is mostly just an obligatory threat on their part. They're looking for kids who go from taking 3 AP classes to having a couple free hours and a PE class. Things like that. If it's still a challenging schedule and you get good grades, it won't matter at all. And I think they'll give you a heads up and an opportunity to re-change your schedule (if possible) before they revoke your admission anyway.</p>

<p>Theres a thread on the Michigan 2010 forum relaing to titled 'revoking admission'. I forget the exact terms right now , but if i remember correctly one of the posts mentioned the dean of admissions saying you have to get a grade of C or better in most classes you take. Check the thread for details. </p>

<p>As long your schedule even if light presents any sort of challenge , and you get the required grade, you'll be fine.</p>

<p>yeah, I had emailed an adcom, and she said that a C or above, I shouldn't worry (damn you calc 2...)</p>

<p>and it'd have to be some pretty serious changes in your schedule... like the ones that a poster had listed</p>