
<p>Will getting Bs in all my AP courses during senior year get me rescinded?</p>

<p>No bump…</p>

<p>You kidding me?</p>

<p>not a chance… i dont get why you’re worried about BEES! wow… oh. wait. i’m on cc =&lt;/p>

<p>Getting all Bs in AP classes won’t get you rescinded. Getting all Cs or Ds might.</p>

<p>if you have to ask such a question, maybe your admissions should be rescinded…</p>

<p>This man speaks the truth^^^</p>

<p>If you don’t fail or go borderline, you’ll be fine. And you can’t get rescinded for B’s unless it’s a drop or they say “you need to get A’s for this to stand”. If you’ve been getting B’s in AP classes, well, then that’s what they accepted you on isn’t it?</p>

You guys are horrible.
@Student92: I was accepted ED to NU; they didn’t see my midyear grade reports yet.</p>

<p>Well, A B in an AP class is hardly the end all. I personally wouldn’t be worried, but I suppose that’s the best I can really offer XD</p>

<p>this thread makes me lol</p>

<p>take a deep breath and a few shots. calm doooown! you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>Erm, not in ONE AP class, but all of them.
And since my schedule consists almost solely of AP classes,
I would be getting a B in almost every single one of my classes.
I just want to be safe, that’s all O.O</p>

<p>Well, would your admission be rescinded if you got all As in regular courses (which is the equivalent of all Bs in AP classes) ?</p>

<p>Do you see how that seems absurd to most of the posters?</p>

<p>Well, I’m holding all B’s and have a C in AP Calc. So I really do mean it when I say I wouldn’t be worried haha. Schools aren’t dumb. If you’re freshman early classes are like perfect, and there’s nothing to suggest your slipping, they’ll see it’s difficult.</p>