Rescinding an acceptance due to lowered grades....

<p>So my school year is divided into quarters. I'm planning on sending a midyear report to Cornell, which summarizes my grades from the first 2 quarters. For the first one, I had all straight A/A+'s, but for the second quarter, I know that my grades will be kinda....less. As a prospective engineering major, AP English and Spanish just arent holding it for me and AP Government is... well, its just plain hard haha. Im expecting B/B-'s in those classes, depending on how I do on my mid-terms. Is a tough case of senioritis enough to have Cornell take their acceptance back?</p>

<p>Go read the 30 other threads made within the past week asking “OMG I GOT A B WILL I BE RESCINDED???”</p>

<p>lmao since he’s playing bad cop…</p>

<p>oh wth</p>

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<p>you have a weak case of senioritis btw, a tough case would be you failing some of your classes, which happens to many seniors who simply stop caring at all once they get accepted, Bs are fine.</p>

<p>Also there are currently several other topics on the first couple pages about this.</p>

<p>yeahh i kinda just posted this in a few college areas and just changed the name heh… im a bad internet citizen i know. sorry i didnt take the time to read the threads that would have probably resolved my questions and then some. also- its not that im getting a b in one class. my gpa from my first quarter was a 101, and my estimated one for the second is an 85-90… its that 15 point drop im concerned about</p>

<p>Last year in about February, my friend was in a similar situation, only her grades had dropped to mostly C’s. Even still, she got what we like to call a “W T F letter” that basically said, “alright kid, what’s going on here? you should get those grades up to B’s or else.” So she did. And now she’s happy. In all reality, a school shouldn’t rescind your admission without a warning first if it’s an issue with your falling grades. Hope this helps.</p>

<p>your acceptance won’t be rescinded. relax.</p>