Rescore because of misgrid PLEASE HELP!

<p>I'm applying to MIT and Caltech regular action, and the last thing I needed to complete my application was my SAT subject test scores. I took math level 2 and physics on November. I was confident in my answers and they matched up with what other test takers' answers on the college confidential forum. Also, I was getting 760 and up on my practice tests. I only skipped seven to eight questions on both. I was expecting around a 770 on math and a 790-800 on physics, but when I saw my scores I got 630 on both. I almost fell of my chair in distraught. I literally almost fainted. I am almost certain that I mis gridded at the beginning of each test and it carried on. I also didn't have time to check over my scantron because time was called on both tests as I finished my last question. I read other discussions and heard people going from mid 600's to mid to low 700's by requesting a hand score. So, I requested a hand score verification and sent it in the mail yesterday. The thing is this is my last chance. I called college board and they said that if they see that I misgridded that would change my score accordingly and send me the results within 5 weeks. Has this happened to anyone and did your score change?</p>

<p>p.s. I know this is a long post, but I'm literally freaked out of mind that I'm becoming paranoid. I just do want this to keep me from going to my dream school (MIT).</p>

<p>If you had done that you probably would have gotten far lower than the scores you actually did. Seeing that you skipped seven to eight on both and likely missed some that you did answer, I think you got the right score, but obviously I could be wrong. As for getting into MIT, remember that one thing is not going to make or break your application, so don’t freak out too badly. Hopefully you’re right and I’m wrong.</p>

<p>You could also take them again in January. I believe they accept January scores for RD.</p>

<p>Just retake them if they don’t turn out well, and send in the new ones. MIT approves of Score Choice anyway.</p>

<p>When you say you misgridded does it mean that you put the answer of N°1 in N°2, the answer of N°2 in N°3 etc… ?
Because if you did that shouldn’t you have almost all wrong ?</p>

<p>I might have started at questions 20 or so when I skipped my first question</p>

<p>Never mind</p>

<p>If that is the case then hand scoring will give you the same score. Hand scoring only checks for machine error, it doesn’t move all of your answers up by 1 to see if that gets you a better score. If you gridded incorrect answers, those are the answers the hand scorer will see and your score will follow accordingly</p>