Rescore October SAT (because of writing)?

<p>I got a 710 in Writing with 12 for the essay and 65/80 for the multiple choice. I think I did much better than a 65. I hear a lot of other people have problems with their writing scores. If I request rescoring:</p>

<li>Will they rescore the whole test? </li>
<li>Will they take off points for wrong answers that were marked correct? </li>
<li>How long does it take? (I’m applying ED)</li>
<li>How much is it?</li>
<li>(Edited) What do you think? Should I do it? Do colleges care that much about writing?</li>

<p>Thanks. I appreciate any answer</p>

<li>most likely</li>
<li>probably will get by ED since colleges usually get Nov sats</li>

<p>it takes 3-5 weeks i believe + who knows how long it takes for the score to be sent to the college after</p>

<p>i have the same problem
im ordering that service monday first thing in the morning
but...writing itself does not really weight much and colleges take the highest scores. so...dont stress too much on it.</p>

<p>or maybe someone should call collegeboard to tell them that A LOT of people think somethings wrong with the scoring on writing</p>