Whats with the writing test?. 650 retake?

my student just got back her June SAT 1 scores. The writing score of 650 was 100 points less than any other score she has received, should she retake the test in October?. She is considering applying to the top Ivy League schools.</p>

<p>In 10th grade she scored: 800 reading, 700 math, 630 writing.
A year later, she ONLY studies for the writing and gets: 770 reading, 800 math and 650 writing.</p>

<p>Her SAT 2 scores were: 800 Chemistry, 760 US History and 780 Math.(the hard one).</p>

<p>She fears that she has no where to go but down on the Math and reading scores and since she really put in a great effort already in writing it is unlikely she will improve. </p>

<p>What are they really looking for in this test anyways? She is a wonderful writer who gets all A's in english at a very tough school where 70% of this years graduating class were National Merit Scholars.</p>

<p>Is an October re-test worth the trouble? Why don't they just let the students only retake the section they need to retake.... organize the SAT 1 test like the SAT 2 test? It is too long anyways.</p>

<p>What month did she take the previous tests? Yes, that matters. Based on statistics, if you take the test in October/November and miss the same number of questions, your score will be lower than it would have been if you had taken it another month. This is because most October/November takers are seniors who score very well and need just a small push to reach their goal score. It won't affect the students who score lower, but for the higher scorers, it could be the difference of 50-60 points. Also, most colleges look at your highest score from each section, so don't worry too much if her score drops a little in verbal or math. Have her take some practice tests for the writing section, and if she makes a considerable improvement, go ahead and have her take it again.</p>