Research Opportunities..How to get involved?

<p>I'm a prospective chemE major...</p>

<p>how do I get involved in research starting freshman year? or do i have to wait until I'm an upperclassman?</p>

<p>What to do?</p>

<p>Bump for the love of berkeley</p>

<p>Bump Bump Bump</p>

<p>both passionate and impatient . . .</p>

<p>...."smart" aren't we?</p>

<p>First attend a class or two (or more). Then go to the office hours of your TA and/or professor and ask them how to get involved in research. Maybe they will let you wash bottles or something. ;-)</p>

<p>PO </p>

<p>Sorry, but saw a bump just two minutes after the last bump. The word 'impatient' lept to mind.</p>

<p>lol doesn't exactly seem like we have jump hurdles and strangle pythons to find a research position</p>

<p>There's so much going on at Berkeley, I'm sure anyone can get involved in something if they are agressive. I'm also sure that there are desirable research positions that ARE very selective and difficult to get involved with. The key to everything in life is be aggressive and be flexible.</p>

<p>Thanx for the replies..</p>

<p>But I mean... am I only going to get far in terms of asking? or is there some sort of go-to person or newspaper just for research stuff?</p>

<p>You can get into research through URAP.</p>

<p>The</a> Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP)</p>

<p>Or you can look into more sources available here:
Undergraduate</a> Research @ Berkeley</p>