<p>If an applicant likes to do bench research and has pubs, do adcoms care or take this into consideration? Or do they only care about your clinical activities. I say this b/c I use research as a mode of enhancing my knowledge about the clinical perspective of the medical field. I feel that it does its job of showing me the underlying issues that need to be addressed in order to enhance the quality of patient care. I previously wanted to do MD/PhD, until I discovered that it was more bench than clinical oriented and it would be nearly impossible to do surgery with this career path. </p>
<p>Besides research, I should also focus on ECs like shadowing and community service. Do clubs play a big role or only if you possess a leadership position and/or are the founder? Should one instead better spend his/her time TAing or do as much as possible of everything to show well-roundedness?</p>