Residence hall questions?

<p>I'm going to be a freshman this coming year. Do I get to switch my roommate every year? Do I get to switch my residence hall every year? What is the policy regarding switching roommate and residence hall? Thanks!</p>

<p>Yes, you can either choose a new residence hall or live off campus. You can also choose to keep your roommate for the next year if you like them or sign up for an unpaired room and then you will get placed with a different roommate. Pretty much, after your first year you can choose where and who you want to live with.</p>

<p>I can switch roommate and residence hall at any year? Let say after my sophomore year, I decided to switch roommate and residence hall, can I do that?</p>

<p>Of course. Madison doesn’t tie you to one roommate for your entire college career nor to one dorm. Even during your first year, if you absolutely can’t stand your roommate (or vice verse) it’s possible to change your housing assignment. A lot, possibly the majority, of students, move out of university housing after freshman year and get an apartment with a group of people. </p>

<p>Why do a lot of students move out of the dorms after freshman year? What is wrong with the dorms? I thought the dorms are great!</p>

<p>It’s mostly the fact of wanting to live on your own, plus you can room with a group of friends rather than just one.</p>

<p>Where is the best place to find roommates</p>

<p>As an incoming freshman – go to the FB group for class of '18 and ask to be added to group. This spring, most of the posts will be about finding compatible roommate. </p>