Residency comes next

<p>Congrats to curm. and D.!</p>

<p>YAHOO Curm!!! Wedding plans AND IIs!!! But the best, possibly being back home with you! </p>

<p>Having son close for his md has been great! I totally get you being giddy about the prospect. No residency plans here yet, the boy is busy with his mba this year…soooooo very different than ms. No wedding plans here, same GF but no plans.</p>

<p>Again, very happy to hear such good news from you!</p>


<p>Curm figured out how to post! The Dude abides ;)</p>

<p>How is this for freaky coincidence? In her first 6 invites, all of them were in her preliminary top 7. </p>

<p>And I hate posting here from this phone. It is godawful. </p>

<p>Sounds like her preliminary list is a good fit.</p>

<p>Yup. Dean’s letter netted a rush of invites. Now she has 7 of 8 of her top choices and is starting to think about culling. Wants 11 interviews with at least a couple of lower ranked programs in good locations. It is certainly an advantage that her idea of good and the general perception of good is quite different. lol </p>

<p>^ Congrats to your D for having many nice choices.</p>

<p>Regarding “her idea of good and general perception of good locations”,</p>

<p>This reminds me of an old thread started by college00701 and you contributed to it also on page 2 (see the link below.) I said that the places like Temple or Round Rock or College Station (rotation sites for Texas A&M med school) in Texas is in a good location and eadad kind of disputed it (Is his S from UTSW now near the DC area? If yes, the DC area is like the center of the nation, very unlike the good locations, Temple or Round rock, that I had in mind at that time.)</p>

<p><a href=“Any B.A./M.D. or B.S./M.D. programs that accept transfers.. - Pre-Med Topics - College Confidential Forums”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>This thread brought back some old and sweet memory. Many CCers on that thread have now either graduated or almost graduated from med school.</p>

<p>BTW, I recently learned of the term “San Francisco Match” by accident. Wonder whether the main match has helped to get rid of this “side-line” match today.</p>

<p>Interested in an update? He and I have 15 interviews that we are very excited about, including to our current top choice program and to at least 7 more that have always been around our top 10-12. We haven’t heard from a few of our top programs, and have been rejected by a few of them also, which was kind of unexpected. It seems the climate this year is particularly competitive. The overwhelming good news is that we are thrilled with the batch of invites we have, and I truly believe I would be happy at any of them and extra happy at some of them. I keep trying to remind myself that this is a wonderful “problem” to have, trying to decide where I want to accept my first doctor job and start a new life with a wonderful guy :slight_smile: All the best to you and your kids!</p>

<p>Thanks for the update, and congrats to both of you.</p>

<p>Just curious: Is a large hospital like Kaiser generally as “desirable” to most applicants as a teaching hospital? I really do not know.</p>

<p>Great, Kristen!!</p>

<p>Really good II season for the kid. All but one of her original top 7. A waitlist at that one. Not bad. Not bad at all. 1 reject. She applied to 20. Heard something from 18. </p>



<p>I’d say it depends. First it depends on the specialty and then it depends if the resident plans to pursue a fellowship after completing the residency. For some fellowships, it much easier to move from residency to fellowship if you’re coming from an academic setting, rather than a community setting (and Kaiser would be considered a community hospital since it’s not affiliated with a medical school).</p>

<p>Wow! Exciting updates from all!!
Congrats…keep us posted.</p>

<p>One goal here - to match. Where is sooo secondary…Preference did not change since D. was in HS - being closer to home. </p>

<p>Hello everyone! -It is interview time, and after four years of med school, definitely older and humbler here…This seems to be an unusually competitive year for my specialty (does it ever end!!!). Applied to 20 academic programs and set up interviews at 15. I have visited 6 places already and I am really enjoying all the traveling. I have been in the NE for eight years and i am now looking at Midwest and West area programs primarily, plus a few of the “mandatory” NE programs :wink: . I am going into this with a very open mind but looking forward to visiting old favorites and hopefully new ones.</p>

<p>Best of luck to Kristen, MiamiDAP’s, curm’s daughter and everyone else…!! What a journey this has been!</p>

<p>Best wishes to you also, MyOpinion!</p>

<p>Thanks! We’ve finished 5 interviews each and have 9-10 more to go max (trying to pare that list down some…boy this is exhausting, but a lot of fun!). So far everywhere has been great so I’m sure making that rank list will the the ultimate “good problem” to have!</p>

<p>Yes, logistics (and money) is a nightmare, but as Kristin said, it is a “good problem” to have!
We are waiting for more invites and every one has been a huge celebration as you can imagine…and sooo unpredictable. What we had in our heads kind of does not match to what is happenning (with few exceptions)…interesting from the prospective of how applicants are chosen, so puzzling. Expectation of all in-state invites may not be true. </p>

<p>D1’s specialty is just starting to interview. Programs in her field typically interview from mid-November thru the end of January. She leaves for her first interview on Friday and then has 3 more all stacked up like pancakes, scheduled for every other day. She won’t get back to town until Thanksgiving. LOTS of cross country flying involved. Her December looks pretty much the same.</p>

<p>She has a nice selection of IIs and would be happy matching at any of them. </p>

<p>D. has the same attitude, basically, Anybody, please, take me!!!</p>