Residency comes next

D1 applied to Cook County “because. Mom, that’s where they filmed ER”.

And I only wish my kid’s pediatrician looked like Dough Ross/

In an adorably med school nerdy way, me and practically-fiance spent way too much time studying for boards then rewarding ourselves with reruns of ER that I often joke it’s what convinced me I should date him. And that’s only partially a joke.

more like subliminal messaging.

She’s gone….gone….gone!

D1 has hied off for a 2.5 week exotic vacation to take her mind off the upcoming Match.

… I wish my D. could come with us, but she could not. We are going for 2 weeks to Costa Rica and we hope to like it. Our yearly destination has been Cozumel for many many years, that is where D. decided that to be a Marine Biologist is cool, but we kind of bend her dream a bit…

Happy Match Day Month to all who are eagerly anticipating that day. Wishing you all the very best news possible and great adventures to come!

Good luck to you all!

Miami, D did a 3 week Tropical Ecology trip to Costa Rica and loved it. Hope you all have fun.

As we have gotten into March I have been thinking of the CC med students and parents waiting for Match Day. I clearly remember the stress that was present, regardless my knowledge that the system works for the overwhelming majority of students. The wait, first to find out if you actually matched (even though you know that you will!) and then to find out where you will be going, was frustrating. I didn’t know how much my D was feeling it until the actual day.

Those who have not slugged through pre-med and medical school cannot understand the level of commitment it has taken to reach this point. It may be that it is a self-selecting group of high achievers (and their interested parents :wink: ) who end up on this board but over the years CC’s track record has been excellent. I have no doubt that it will continue to be. Best of luck to you all.

I have been thinking back to our second go-round last year with match day as well as wedding planning. That match week was awesome! Hoping for a wonderful outcome for all those here as well!

Catching up here… Adding my good wishes for all of your sons, daughters, and families. Match week is almost here! Tomorrow is the day for the “Congratulations! You have matched.” email. D’s arrived at 10:55 A.M. Wishing you all a wonderful week.

Best wishes to all of your D, S, or yourself who participate the match this year.

Suppose that the students will be informed that “you have matched” on Monday, when will they be informed of the program they have matched to? Is it on the same day for every school? Is it typically on Friday?

Yep. Tomorrow is the “congrats you matched” e-mail. Friday is Match Day for everyone (well except those few specialties that have theirs at different times of the year)

Good luck everyone!

"Miami, D did a 3 week Tropical Ecology trip to Costa Rica and loved it. Hope you all have fun. "
-Thank you! First day at work after our vacation and miss it already. Plan to go back in Dec. - Feb.

Few hours to wait for the matched email. I am glad that we were away and actually busy on vacation and D. kept herself very busy with various rotations. She is at the clinic today also, said, do not expect the call, hopefully she will email or text us.
Also while on vacation, received a great news about GrandSon getting accepted to one of the hardest to get into public high schools in the NYC, the one that his big sis. did not get in (she got into Styvesant though). I am glad that this news occupies great chunk of my brain. Absolutely nobody expected that at all, including the little guy himself. He just decided to have fun auditionning there…As of now, his plan is to go to Med. School, oh well, you know how it goes, he is only 13…Just trying hard not to think about my D. now…she said she will know at noon.
Best woishes to everybody!!!

And we have a Match!

Now it’s just a matter of waiting until Friday to find out where.

YIPPEEEE!!! Congrats to your oldest WOWmom. So very happy for you and HER! Friday is taking so VERY long to get here. So excited for y’all. So HAPPY to hear the great and fantastic news. Come on, Friday. (at least there is basketball in between!)


Woohoo! Congratulations WayOutWestMom! You and your family must be so happy!

Congrats to all who receives news of a Match today. Although there is still the TBD issue of where and the hassles of relocating, this news IMO means that the end of 8+ years of one heck of a seemingly endless ride is actually here. Again congrats to all.

D. just called. She said she matched.

She said that in her case, the bad news would be “matched to one year program”. But her emial said simply “matched”, so she took it as good news. We are going to Match day this Friday, she will have 5 guests at her Match.

Congrats to your daughter Miami!! I know your daughter applied to so many places and interviewed at many as well. She must be so relieved to have matched especially since she applied to such a competitive residency!

Again congrats, how many more hours til Friday??
