Residency comes next

One week to go for the “matched” email and a few more days before we find out where. I know D is a bit stressed out. Have heard that a few schools have canceled their match day ceremonies thanks to the corona virus.

Any thoughts on a match day gift? I was just going to do a basket for D and her roommates - can’t go wrong with wine and cookies/candy :slight_smile:

Truthfully I didn’t give Match Day gifts to either of my daughters.

In fact, I don’t think I even saw either of my daughters on Match Day. (They were too busy going to celebrate with friends/classmates. I was at work. They texted me their results.)

Match Day is fairly informal at the school they attended and parents are typically not encouraged to attend the envelope distribution ceremony. There are no big speeches, no honors awarded, no dressing up. It’s all very low key with a catered breakfast bar (and mimosas!) since they get their envelopes at 10 am.

Match day at D’s school has breakfast with mimosas and then the whole envelope opening thing. However, now, with the corona virus, they might be canceling the whole thing ! We will see D that day though - ceremony or no ceremony. S is also coming down for a couple of days.

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I was told by my D that parents didn’t go to Match day. Her school did live stream it so I did get to see it. I didn’t even think to give a Match day gift. I gave her a stethoscope for her White Coat ceremony so if you hadn’t already given your kiddo one, that would be a nice gift.

D’s match day is cancelled. She scheduled a family vacation with all of us back in december to skip match day.

They haven’t made any announcements as yet for D’s match day. I think it will be canceled or at the best, restricted to just the students, no families. D said families will be out on the lawn then.

And the match day is officially canceled now. D and her friends are trying to figure out what they want to do. They understand the reasoning, but definitely disappointed that the day they had planned for isn’t happening.

My D’s match day is still on as of last night. I have not heard from her today to get any updates.

I am trying to let her start such conversations so I don’t add to any angst.

Our vacation got cancelled since it is to a forbidden country in Europe. D is coming home for the decision instead…

Our daughter’s Match Day was officially cancelled. It’s nice event, with families included, then a ball the next night (also cancelled). We are still going, and having a brunch at her house. Her closest friends and their families are invited. All will open emails together with their families by their sides. I think they all have a great attitude and I’m looking forward to the low key celebration!

Scratch that… we are not going. In the interest of public health, the students have decided it’s better if we all practice what is being preached! Reduce interactions, flatten the curve. So they are going to live stream opening their emails. They will still have champagne brunch there, we will have it here!

It’s a joyous day, whether you are there or not. Congratulations to all grads, and parents!

@moonpie Sounds like a wonderful compromise!

Some interesting trivia tidbits for everyone–

  1. The ABEM (American Board of Emergency Medicine) has cancelled oral boards. Oral boards are ONLY held the first week in May every year. ABEM doesn’t want to pull the 50-75% of recent EM grads taking the boards out ERs across the country where they may critically needed to manage the CV-19 epidemic.

  2. Philadelphia is planning to re-open the closed Hahnemann Hospital as patient overflow site should the coronavirus epidemic overwhelm other area hospitals

  3. Two major hospitals in NYC are considering closing down some specialty wards and turning them into medical ward for CV-19 patients. Residents will likely be pulled of their specialty rotations to cover thee expand IM wards.

  4. Personal note: D2 reports that her hospital is requiring ALL residents regardless of specialty to take training on how to intubate patients in the sim labs. All residents are also receiving instruction on how to managed vented patients. D2 said she was told that residents should be prepared to live at the hospital 24/7 should the hospital face an overwhelming number of admissions.


D is kind of off until residency starts. She suspects if things go bad, her residency will be doing pretty much doing this for a few months when it starts in June or July.

@WayOutWestMom cancelled oral EM boards? Will these docs take these next year? What are the implications of this delay?

No official word what the ABEM is going to do about this. Rumor is that everyone who is registered for May oral boards will be offered the opportunity to take orals in October instead.


News report on 3/2 itself stated this
Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, however, has cleared an entire floor of its downtown hospital as a precaution if coronavirus patients need to be treated in the East Bay.

Santa Clara County has more than 90 cases already and the bay area schools and colleges are pretty much closed.

Add Dartmouth to the list of medical schools that have canceled interviews.

Hope everyone in the Match this year got GOOD NEWS this morning!