Residency comes next

We got good news!!~ Daughter will be a surgeon, all her friends Matched!

D got the good news this morning. Now, the wait until Friday…

D is matched, now to wait to see the placement (of course) and if it is straight peds or if it is triple board.

And good news here too. DD will be an ED doctor. What a time for that residency!

Hoping Friday brings great placements for all!

Happy dance for all! Now you can exhale and celebrate.

For anyone wondering how specialties like EM (which require mandatory aways for residency application) are going to handle aways being cancelled at many programs, the Council of Residency Directions in Emergency Medicine Education (CORD) has issue the following position statement:

Congratulations to those who know they’ve matched! And best wishes for Friday!

So with all the match day ceremonies canceled, how will they get their envelope results? By email?

All my friends kids including IMGs (US born) matched!

May be schools will open, scan and email? IMGs always get them by email.

Some schools are handing out envelopes and students can take them and open not at the school.

Others are telling their students to look online at 1:00 pm EST.

Adding that many medical schools are pulling students from clerkships as well.

At 1 pm EST applicants can see their Match by logging into the NRMP account.

Last I heard from my kid is that her school would have 5 or so rooms where the med students could go to pick up their envelopes at the same time their ceremony was set to start. They would be assigned a room by alphabet of their last name.

They can go in, get their envelope, then immediately leave campus without opening it until they are off campus.

D’s school had originally said they were going to open envelopes in small groups OR that they could pick up envelopes and open at home. Yesterday, they said NO envelopes.

We are planning to go to D’s house and be there with her when she reads her email.

NRMP decided to announce directly to everyone at 12 EDT due to all the match day issues instead of the normal 1 PM.

That’s great news!

So excited. My DD matched to her number one choice!

She is a D.O. Student…and I will write her whole story later today. It’s a good one and shows the very fine success D.O. students can have!

My Daughter, her best friends, all matched to their #1 choices!!! HAPPY DANCE. We watched them at their house with a brunch with close friends, and all the families were watching online as well. Super fun! Still crying!

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@thumper I am so happy for your D!

Also, my niece’s husband is a DO doctor. My D was able to set up a family medicine away rotation with him as her supervisor. These days DO docs do have respect among the MD community, otherwise they would not allow DO’s to supervise MD students.

We were at D’s place this morning with her. Both she and her roommate were very stressed before the emails came out. The joy on their faces when they read the emails was something to behold. Now to prep for moving her to her new city in a couple of months.