Residency comes next

All my friends kids matched (2 BSMD, 1 traditional path, 2 IMGs). All primarycare.

On Friday afternoon, our daughter received a phone call from one of the attending physicians where she will be doing her residency. It was to welcome her to the team.

I thought that was very niceā€¦considering itā€™s EM, and those folks are mighty busy!

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All clinical clerkship at my kidā€™s school have been suspended until at least May 1. Anyone else?

My daughter told me last week the rest of her rotations had been canceled, but she was to be done on May 1st anyway.

I am unsure when 3rd years at her school are going back.

My kid has a rotation she can complete now because it does not involve patient contact. Her next one starts April 24 or so and ends May 20. Donā€™t know whatā€™s happening with that one.

Graduation is still undecidedā€¦itā€™s May 21.

D only had vacations planned for March and April. Unfortunately, she just cancelled a wedding trip for a classmate and also a vacation with friends early part of April.

We got the official word todayā€¦graduation is cancelled. We were expecting this but stillā€¦?

I am sorry, @thumper1 . I know it is hard! After all of the hard work to get here. Will you be able to do a family celebration?

Yes, we will do some sort of celebration with family and friends at some point. Iā€™m sure most, if not all of you, are in the same boat.

We have a unique situation in that we have three friends who live local to DDs medical school who have been so amazing and supportive for her. We had hoped to invite them to graduation and dinnerā€¦but thatā€™s not happening.

Itā€™s a wait and see. We do have to go down and move all of the ā€œstuffā€. Maybeā€¦???some of the restrictions on groups will be lifted by that time , and restaurants openā€¦and we can celebrate a little there during the moving weekend. Itā€™s not until mid May.

Dā€™s school is considering ā€œgraduatingā€ them early - as early as next week if all requirements are met. The new graduates are likely to employed locally immediately! I completely understand the need for this, but am left with a slightly unsettled feelingā€¦

Besides NYU, Cornell-Weill, NYIT-COM and BU are all graduating students early or offering the option to graduate early.

My Sinai has recalled its furloughed 4th years and offer them 3  options:

1) sub-I w/ expanded responsibilities in a non-COVID ward (will free up other HCW to work in COVID wards) 
2) sub-I w/ expanded responsibilities in a COVID ward
3) non patient contact rotation in Occupational Medicine, telemedicine or some other non patient contact department

Only options 1 and 2 will count toward graduation requirements.

The state of Massachusetts has agreed to expedite the issuance of training licenses to all graduates of Massachusetts medical schools. (Harvard, Tufts, UMass, BU)

BU early grads can either leave immediately for their residency sites, or, if they choose, they are being offered guaranteed (temporary) employment in Boston hospitals to work at the level of their scope of practice. (i.e. intern level)

Louisiana State U Health Sciences will be graduating its students early

UHUHS will be graduating its students early.

Harvard, UMass, Tuft and BU are all graduating all their 4th years early.

Mt. Sinai currently has a nightmare on their hands with pictures floating around showing doctors wearing garbage bags for protection. I cant imagine students volunteering to become interns in those conditions.

Columbia has accelerated the graduation of the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons class of 2020 to assist the growing demand for physicians and clinical staff. Next month, all graduates will have the option to be employed by the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.

My daughterā€™s graduation was cancelled as well. We were expecting it, but still super sad. M4ā€™s that are done were called to staff drive through testing centers. She has been doing thatā€¦ on the front lines pretty quickly! Sheā€™s so happy to be helping, but this means we donā€™t know when we will see her again. : (

D started work in her university hospital today - almost three months before residency was supposed to start officially!

Very good @arisamp . My kidā€™s school hasnā€™t done early graduation but she did the one page licensure application (that is being processed ASAP) in the state where her residency is located just in case.

But you other parents with kids doing residenciesā€¦how are you getting your kidā€™s belongings to their residency site if itā€™s far away? We need to move the contents of a one bedroom apartmentā€¦and are trying to figure out how!

@thumper1 - we havenā€™t yet figured out how to get D to her new place for residency. She is subletting a place there for the first few months. The plan was for her to buy a condo or a small single family home - weā€™ve been looking online, but finding it hard to make any real progress. Weā€™ll have to help her pack and move when the time comesā€¦and I am hoping things will be calmer by then.

My D has told me in no uncertain terms that she does not want nor need my help with moving. She and her husband have already found an apartment online and signed a 12 month lease.

She did email me the lease to look over first. I am a former apartment property manager, so I guess she thought I may know what I am talking about as far as that goes.

I personally think that renting for a few months, up to a year, is the way to start if they are moving to a place they donā€™t know a whole lot about. It will give them a chance to get to know the area and what the cost of living is, how far their money will go. And, after a few months they will have a better idea of if they will want to settle there after residency.

My DD has a place to live. That is not an issue at all.

The issue is moving her belongings from where she is now to where her residency is locatedā€¦a 18 hour drive away.

Hoping we can hire moversā€¦