Residency comes next

D said she found a mover who will move for a flat sum and hold in storage for about 30 days. It was a kind of trade off between getting everything new and reassembling vs them delivering and unpacking where she moves to without any additional work.

My kid’s school has officially transitioned all the final rotations for last year students to online something. As soon as my kid knows what hers is, she is moving. They won’t know until the end of next week.

She will start contacting movers this week.

Anyone else have a grad whose school is planning a virtual graduation ceremony? What do you suppose that will be like? My kid’s school is doing this
details being worked out.

My kid has said that she will be able to see the commencement speeches online. I am not sure about the rest of a commencement ceremony.

D graduated a couple of weeks via a virtual ceremony. They had it on zoom and on facebook live. Speeches from a few people at the medical school, speech from the class speaker. They then read out the names of all the graduates as the names scrolled on the screen. Then the entire class took their oath. We watched it and so did several of our cousins/family that had been planning to be here for the ceremony. Felt awful in a way - we weren’t there with her in person to celebrate. Couldn’t quite get the emotional tug that graduations bring about too. They are talking about doing something in person later in the year - but who knows if these new residents will be able to make it back!

@arisamp congratulations! I feel your pain. We have been looking forward to a double graduation and both may be virtual.

The upside to the virtual graduation is we can invite as many people as we want to watch it! No one has to travel either.

I’ve never been a fan of graduations but this was one I was looking forward to attending
in person.

@texaspg - we were looking forward to double graduations here as well! The kids actually had planned a big party memorial day weekend to celebrate together with family and friends. We had several family members planning to visit from outside the US too. Sigh - missing all that anticipation and fun.

S’s graduation has not been canceled - just postponed. Don’t have a new date.

On another note -do the kids starting residencies have details on the start dates, move-in etc? D is going to a different state and is trying to figure out when she needs to be there , what requirements she has to get done before (blood test, drug test etc). Apparently, to work in the hospital there, you have to quarantine for a couple of weeks just before too. She’s working here in the local hospital right now and is trying to figure out a plan of action.

My D has been saying that she needs to be at her residency by June 10th and will pack to start driving on June 1st to give them time to get there and settled by June 10th. She hasn’t said anything about self quarantine.

@arisamp my kid has already received a packet from her residency place. It had all of the necessary “stuff” needed included in the packet.

This packet included the date orientation starts (June 15 for my kid) and the date the residency starts (July 1 for my kid).

My kid will be here by the last week of May
so will be able to isolate for two weeks before starting.

I specifically asked my kid about any blood work or physicals or anything like that
and at this point she is not being asked to do any of that before she arrives at her residency program
maybe because of covid 19 restrictions? I don’t know. I know that most residency programs do have some required physical exams, etc. so I was a little surprised.

your rising resident can contact the program director and ask, if the information isn’t in the packet received.

@WayOutWestMom suggestions?

Your D should be getting her on-boarding paperwork shortly–usually no later than the end of April/early May. If she hasn’t received it by then, I’d have her contact the residency PD and ask.

Be aware that your D will need her actual physical diploma from med school to show to her residency in order to qualify her for a medical trainee license. She can’t receive a medical training license without it. Don’t plan to get her diploma framed until AFTER her program has seen it. Depending on when her med school mails out diplomas, she may want to have her diploma sent to her new address at her new home location.

Not all programs drug test. Individual policies vary, although if she’ll be rotating thru any federal facility (like a VA hospital) drug testing is mandatory. But she can’t be tested in advance. She has to be tested on-site. This is usually done during orientation.

There is always a pre-residency orientation. Orientation typically starts ~2 weeks before her actual first day of residency. (July 1 is the universal start dater residency.) Your D may want to plan to move to her new location by the first week of June in order to get her 14 days of quarantine done before orientation. While I imagine some orientation activities can be done on line, not all of them can.

BTW, although orientation is mandatory, new residents aren’t paid for attending. New residents won’t get a paycheck until after their second or fourth week of actual residency. (Depends on whether the program pays bi-weekly or monthly.) This often comes as shock to new residents and can bring cash flow problems because they will have many expenses associated with moving and setting up a new household.

D’s residency is telling them to apply for NPIs and provided a practice address.
She wont get paid until end of July.

on a sidenote, they might be eligible for federal assistance of $1200

What is an NPI?

NPI = National Provider Identifier

It’s a 10 digit unique identifier code that all healthcare providers must have. It’s used by Medicare/Medicaid and private insurers for billing. It’s also required for every HCW so they can identify themselves during any HIPAA-covered transaction (like accessing a patient’s medical record or lab reports)

Thank you
I imagine the info about this comes with the packet from the residency program?


D’s start date is July 1st and orientation is June 17th I think. A bit confused on when she will move to her new state and if she has to self quarantine after she gets there. She’s in touch with her PD - so hopefully will iron out these details soon. Since she’s working in the Covid ICU right now, she will have to quarantine for sure. But will she have to do that for 14 days here before she attempts to cross state lines? Or just do it there in the new state?

She does have her NPI already. Due to the early graduation and starting work here, she has written prescriptions and orders. Not the start she expected, but she feels good about being able to help out.

@texaspg - she’s hoping to get that 1200$ check - but hasn’t received it thus far. My son got the money deposited into his account in the beginning of April.