Residency comes next


Your D will quarantine after she has moved to her new state–though the quarantine orders vary by state. She can check with either her new PD or the Public Health Dept webpage for Corvid-19 in her new state.

As for the $1200 federal stimulus check–did your D file federal income taxes for 2019 yet? That could be the hold up. If she hasn’t filed or didn’t need to file (and lot of med students have no incomes so don’t need to) she needs to complete a “Non Filer’s Statement” and submit it to the IRS.

@WayOutWestMom - D is in that nonfiler for 2019 status. I think she was trying to gather her bank info to complete it.

My kid and her husband filed this year…and last. Did bank tracking for their refund. They haven’t seen a stimulus check yet…and they will be getting $2400.

Virtual graduation just happened. Our new doctor has a Zoom call right now with her program director and cohort! Wondering how their residency might sort of change this year…

“BTW, although orientation is mandatory, new residents aren’t paid for attending. New residents won’t get a paycheck until after their second or fourth week of actual residency.”

This is a very good call out. However. It’s residency based as I am aware of a couple that do, one being where my kid is at. Though this was for the current PGY 1.

My kid has orientation starting June 15. Benefits don’t even kick in until they start working on July 1. Pay won’t happen until the end of July.

YMMV on this…depending on the program.

D received similar instructions in terms of when to expect first check and not being paid for orientation. Some schools that she interviewed at did have moving expenses upto a certain limit but don’t remember any payments for orientation. Only one of the days is in person due to COVID constraints.

I mispoke. Not sure how much but there is an orientation bonus at D’s program. However, it wont be seen until first pay in early august.

I don’t know if my D will get paid for her orientation or not. She is not very forthcoming about details, other than her orientation starts June 10th and that she will get paid every 2 weeks.

She did not correct me in any way though when I made the comment that she likely won’t get a pay check until mid to late July.

In fact, they are loading their UHaul today and will pull out tomorrow, hoping to be at the residency city Monday night.

NBME and USMLE announced today that all STEP CS exams have been postponed again. It’s anticipated that testing will resume in 12-18 months and will use an in-person format instead of telemedicine format that had been proposed as a substitute.

This is important because:

  1. many medical schools require a Step 2CS pass on record as a graduation requirement
  2. passing the Step 2CS is a pre-requisite for registering for Step 3
  3. a Step 2CS pass is required by every state medical board in order for a medical practitioner to receive a full, unrestricted medical license
  4. a Step 2CS pass is required for all US IMGs and FMGs who wish to receive ECFMG certification in order to be eligible for participation in the US NRMP Match

It appears the current plan will require current MS3/4 student to take the Step 2CS ASAP when testing resumes, even if it mean taking the exam after graduation or during intern year.

Medical residents work under a training license during residency and are not eligible for a full medical license (which requires having passed Step 2CS & CK, and Step 3) until 6 months before the end of their primary residency.

The ECFMG is scrambling to find acceptable alternatives that IMGsFMGs can use to prove clinical competency.

The USMLE and Prometric have announced the opening of a limited number of regional testing centers for USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK.

Regional Test Center #1–Brown University

This center will only serve students from the following schools:

The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University (host school)
Boston University School of Medicine
University of Connecticut School of Medicine
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Tufts University School of Medicine
Harvard Medical School

Regional Test Center #2--University of South Florida

This center will only serve students from the following schools:

University of South Florida Health Morsani College of Medicine (host school)
University of Florida College of Medicine
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
University of Central Florida College of Medicine
Florida Atlantic University Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine
Florida State University College of Medicine
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine Bradenton Campus
Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine
Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine
Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine


Regional Test Center #3--Indiana University

This center will only serve students from the following schools:

Indiana University School of Medicine (host school)
University of Louisville School of Medicine
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine
Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine
Carle Illinois College of Medicine
University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign
Ohio State College of Medicine
University of Kentucky College of Medicine

So…what do students from other medical schools do??

They will need to schedule a test date at a local Prometric test center.

The opening of regional centers is attempt to relieve some of the pressure on local Prometric sites which, in order to promote social distancing, have reduced the number of available seats for each test date by 50-75%.

Ah…so these are additional test centers. That’s a good thing.

I assume the university sites can accommodate a very large group of people at once.

D starts orientation on June 17th. Apparently, it’s virtual. She’s moving to the new state sometime next week. She finally did hear back from the coordinator yesterday - some mandatory testing she has to go through is now being scheduled for when she’s there.

Still wondering how the residency programs will be affected given Covid. Will it still be as crazy as before?


New interns will be initially assigned to rotations/wards that have a low chance of Covid-19 exposure. (Well, maybe not if they’re going into EM.)

D worked here in our state for about six weeks (after early graduation) in a Covid ICU. So, not too worried about that as such.

Given that a lot of folks aren’t doing any elective procedures or not going into the hospital unless absolutely necessary, I am wondering if the interns are not going to find this year as crazy or as demanding as it usually would have been. D thinks it will be crazy but I am not so sure.

@arisamp check the state. Elective procedures are resuming in this neck of the woods.

While you and your daughter might not be concerned about Covid exposure due to your daughter’s previous job, her residency program very well might be.