Residential College Classes?

<p>Hey guys, I was looking at the Rice course catalogue for next year and I noticed that each residential college has its own classes... for example, Wiess has a class called "Introduction to Backpacking." Do you have to be in the specific colleges in order to take the classes?</p>

<p>No, you don’t have to be in the college to take that college’s classes. My roommate took an Art Films of India class at Weiss this semester and we’re not at Weiss. These are generally low credit classes that can be a lot of fun and are often run by students.</p>

<p>My son is taking a wonderful cooking class at another college. He’s loving it! It’s at night and they cook a multiple course dinner, learning all techniques and recipies as they cook.</p>

<p>My son took Personal Finance and found it very useful. </p>

<p>Some of the classes are 1 credit, others 3. Some are Pass/Fail only, others are graded. Some require very little work besides showing up, but some are quite demanding (such as Introduction to Law). But all of them are fun and interesting!</p>

<p>Oh awesome
On another note, when do we find out which college we’re assigned to?</p>

<p>Mid-July. (10 char)</p>

<p>Awwww… that long?</p>


<p>Maybe my DS will be your o-week advisor! He is happy to be able to mentor a new group of Rice students and “give back” the great experience he had during o-week when he was a new student. :)</p>

<p>cant wait to see you guys at O-Week!</p>