<p>I noticed on the JHU website that the school charges $1,033.50 a yr for ResNet computer access in rooms.This was broken down to $119.25 per semester for the connection fee($238.50 per yr),$79.50 per month Sept.thru May and $26.50 per month June thru Aug.Do the math and it comes to the aforementioned $1,033.50.Did anybody get any onfo on this charge when they visited?I know some schools include ResNet in their room/board charges.Thanks for any light you can shed on this !</p>
<p>i think that may be about right... its crazy isnt it?</p>
<p>I cant seem to find anything about a monthly fee on the Hopkins website. The only thing I see is "There is a connection fee of $119.25 per semester during the academic year and there is a monthly prorated fee of $79.50 ($26.50 June, $26.50 July, $26.50 August) for the summer months", which I took to mean that you pay $119.25 for each semester (fall or spring) or $79.50 for the summer session. $80 per month sounds ridiculously high</p>
<p>tanman you are correct... lol... for the 2 semesters, its $238.50 for the 2 semesters...PHEW!</p>
<p>Thanks Tanman! $238.50 sounds a lot better than $1,033.50 to me too! Thanks for checking it out for me!</p>