<p>Romeo and Juliet is fine and we go there, but you might prefer the experience for Italian food at Libros on Campbell for Italian food. Libros is very, very good family Italian food, prepared with care but not maddeningly expensive. </p>
<p>For the very best ambience, if you want to depart from Italian food, my very favorite for taking guests is Byblos, also on Campbell (half block from Libros). Byblos is a Middle Eastern/Lebanese restaurant with beautiful wood, window views, nice ambience, extremely nice owner. To make it memorable, tell the owner to pick your food, “a lot of this and that” and he won’t let you down. Tell him it’s a special meal, etc. He’s very warm. Don’t forget the baklavah at the end. We often get many appetizers to share, followed by dinner entrees. Of course, this is when we’re business-entertaining so we do save this for a special meal. Still, it’s not out-of-the-park expensive (no $50 individual entrees, more like $18-25 for each dinner). It’s memorable, delicious, attractive. First you have to like Middle Eastern food, but if you do, their lamb, eggplant and other specialities rock. I love their hummus, baba ganouj appetizers, and I know good from bad on those. For main courses, we just share our plates around the table, and it’s always good. We trust the owner’s recommendations but H always says to “include lamb” within the mix he sends to our table.</p>
<p>Another pretty good one, and near the university: Fuji Grille, for Japanese-style entrees and sushi. It’s a bit crowded in terms of table proximity, but not bad for the money. Cedrtainly it’s a step up from all the take-out East Asian food in our comunity. UB students themselves go thtere together if they want a “special” meal.</p>
<p>Indian restaurant: my son’s fave is Tandoori on Transit Rd. near Sheridan. There are others along Sheridan not quite as excellent as Tandoori. Our community’s large medical/professional population from India (many UB graduates thesmelves) means you can count on the food in most every Indian restaurant in the Amherst area. Tandoori happens to be my S’s favorite because I think it was the first time he ever got a “special” meal from us, and is just a bit finer (waitservice, elegant food) than the Sheridan Road choices which are dependable but not as great as Tandoori fare. </p>
<p>Happy eating in Buffalo! All these recs come from the suburb of Amherst. Certainly there’s much more in the City of Buffalo, but these are my local suggestions.</p>
<p>Libros and Byblos are hard to locate, so Google or maybe you have a GPS…</p>
<p>P.S. all the above are sit-down, waiter-service restaurants. I call them all slightly upscale and special. OK, maybe “upscale” is too much praise for Fuji grille and the unnamed Indian restaurants along; Sheridan, but I’d call Tandoori upscale in terms of wait-service and food quality. </p>
<p>You will hopefully have a memorable, well-cooked and served dinner, without losing your wallet to anyplace mentioned in my post. People from large metropolitan areas generally say about Buffalo-area restaurants that the food is great; the prices are less than they’re used to. Waitservice is probably our weakest link, because a lot of the waiters themselves are UB students so the training doesn’t carry over year-by-year. You might find the wiatstaffs a bit less sophisticated but gosh they are cute. </p>
<p>For those reading who might want a special “farewell moment” but not an entire meal: For a sit-down gourmet dessert cafe with coffee (each dessert costs $5-l0 apiece), open til 9 pm. weeknights, and near the UB campus, I like “Dessert Deli” at Maple and Forest, same minimall as the Fuji Grille. Dessert Deli also does wedding-cakes so it’s fun to look at them. They have cakes, cheesecakes, and beautiful pies. Ask them to heat your pie order, tho, because they are served quite cold from the counter (no waiters here, just the proverbial “tip jar.”). You can eat inside or on the sidewalk there; it’s a small space but push tables together. Dessert Deli is right next door to my gym. Always a dilemma
The fact that I can tell you I prefer their pies to their cakes indicates I need to hit the gym more often.</p>
<p>At the above restaurants, it’s a good idea to make a reservation on weekend nights. Eating out is huge recreation here, especially Fri and Sat nights. Sunday hours end a bit earlier here than on Sat -restaurants perhaps an hour earlier; strip-mall shopping (not restaurants in the malls) ends around 5 p.m. - so check hours carefully today (Sunday) wherever you are headed.</p>