I’m writing a resume because my GC asked for one. How do you write one for college? Online I usually only find ones for jobs. Mostly, how do I write one for acheivements and awards? Do I put competition test scores here (AMC, USABO, etc.)? And if so, then how do I list it if I’ve taken the AMC for 3 years straight. Basically, I want a format that will make sure that nothing will get overlooked. I don’t want my GC/others to get bogged down in the name and stuff of the competition and not see the score/score change from year to year, ya know? Thanks.
EDIT: Would anyone be willing to send me a resume so I can see how they format it? PM me if you are willing! Thanks!
<p>In addition, is it good or bad to list every single thing you've ever done on a resume? I think it would be good to have SOME list of EVERYTHING but I don't know if GC/teachers/colleges would like to see it.</p>
<p>It sounds like she wants a "brag sheet" more than a resume (the latter is more refined for job interviews and such). First, list your academic strengths. Write down all the clubs you participated in, whether you were in a leading role or how you helped out. Put down jobs, volunteer opportunities, top awards you won (not including "Runner-up Shakespeare Enthusiast of the month in Mrs. Flavel's Intro to Drama" ;) ).</p>
<p>For the things you've won/done, only put the top award you received. For example, I've entered the San Diego Flute Guild festivals for years, and I won third in sixth grade, first in seventh, first in Bronze division, first in Silver division...but nobody's going to read all that. I just put "SDFG Festivals 1999-2003, First Place Silver Division" to cover the lot of it. Go to the "What Are my Chances" division here on CC and you'll find loads of people who have posted their resumes for us to see and crush their hopes.</p>