Retail/Sales Jobs?

<p>I want to get a job in retail/sales this school year (providing i don't find a suitable internship or something) and I was wondering what some good places to work would be. I worked at banana republic last year and it wasn't bad, I just want a change of scenery. I also go to school in nyc, so getting a sales position at any retail store wouldn't be TOO difficult. Have you ever worked in retail? If so, where, how much did you get paid, what were the perks (discount, free clothes, etc), and how did you like it?</p>

<p>bump.. no one works retail parttime?</p>

<p>You can laugh</p>

<p>But, a while back, when I was living in Santa Clarita, California- I worked at a Wal Mart.</p>

<p>I worked with the film and sold cameras and thought it was nice. It was stress free and the staff of the camera department was soo small that everyone had to get along.</p>

<p>Jamba Juice!</p>

<p>I made about 9.35/hr working at Nordstrom for two weeks or so for some random spending money. It's probably the most fun retail place to work at, if you had to choose one out of many.</p>

<p>I work at little local gift shop. I sell jewelery, and other "gift" type items. It also has a cafe on the side, so I have to make all the coffee drinks. I make $6.00 an hour, and get 10 pecent off.
It gets REALLY boring. nobody ever comes in and my boss wants me to always be doing something. So I stand there and sweep the imaginary dust she sees.
lol, I would definitely not recommend this type of job.</p>

<p>i worked at abercrombie, and all the employees are in college/graduating high school so there all about the same age and they all hang out and party together. its a fun place to work.</p>