Retake 68% Bio II for Cornell?

<p>I am in tenth grade now and took the Bio Sat II last spring and got a 650 which was 68%. I don't want to retake - - do I have to?</p>

<p>If you can do better, then yes, take it again. If you can't, well re-study, and still try to take it again. Cornell IS an Ivy, and 700's are expected. Don't get me wrong; tons of people get in with 650's, but if you had the opportunity to do better, then I think a school like Cornell would want to see you take the initiative in getting a better score.</p>

<p>I kinda thought so. Should I plan to take AP bio and then retake or try to study on my own? I have the chance to try AP bio next year in school.</p>

<p>take AP Bio if you enjoyed it, and then it'll be much easier to retake the SAT2 bio.</p>

<p>Wait aren't a junior right now. If you take AP Bio senior year, you're only going to get about 3-4 months (less than half) of the material.</p>

<p>I am a sophomore now. I took BIO II at the end of freshman year. I will take AP bio in junior year. Thanks for your advice - - Do you think Chem II at the end of this year would be possible with Honors Chem or do I need AP?</p>

<p>It really depends. I've seen quality honors classes and others that just have the title "honors," but aren't more than just an introduction. Go to the bookstore and just look at the PR study guide. PR is usually indicator if you're ready for a test.</p>


<p>you could also ask the honors chem teacher at your school. A good teacher will know how much of the Subject Test that they cover, and how well other students have done on the test.</p>

<p>do the ap bio junior year then take the sat II, it's a cake walk, easy 700+. as for chem, i hear that sat II is a difficult one, be careful</p>

<p>for cornell man...definitely yes....ivy leaggue school average is in the 700's...i recommend you to take biology ap that prepared me and i got a 780 in bio and 790 in chem from ap chem</p>