<p>I really want to go to cornell to become a vet. I just ended my freshman year of high school and I took the Biology SAT in the beginning of June. </p>
<p>My score was 650. Is that good enough or should I retake the test?</p>
<p>I really want to go to cornell to become a vet. I just ended my freshman year of high school and I took the Biology SAT in the beginning of June. </p>
<p>My score was 650. Is that good enough or should I retake the test?</p>
<p>Thats an ok score, but if you really want your chances to increase, get as close to an 800 as you can. Your only a freshmen so I have no idea your chances from your grades or EC cause you barely started HS. my recommendation, take AP Bio and take the bio ap exam and try again on SATIIs and get a 750+</p>
<p>If I were in your shoes, I would retake the test. Decrease the frequency of your SAT test taking. Aim to score high, and aim to ONLY take it once. Don’t flirt with poking holes in a perfectly fine sail boat.</p>