Retake grade12.

It’s a shame that I spend 2/3 of my grade 12 to plan for my start-up.I use to be the top5 student in my grade,but get a bad final result and sat score.I’m sure that given half a year I can still be the top5 and do at least 2300 in sat.So should I retake grade12 guys?will it affect my apocation?

anyone got any idea?

Yes, a shame. Where else are you looking?

Most of college admission is settled by the fall of 12th grade. What happened in 11th grade? This story doesn’t make sense.

Most schools would frown upon retaking 12th grade. You should consider a GAP year and reapply.

I’m studying outside of u.s.:frowning:

But the thing is I got a really bad transcript that may affect my applying.can you give me some more suggestions?I sent email to admission office they also suggest me taking gap year.But how will taking gap year help me?Thank you very much in advance.grateful.

I can’t make any sense out of your story. If you created a significant start up that would significantly outweigh any change in your grades. Otherwise fairly or unfairly it will just sound like an excuse. There is no way to erase a grade of high school. All you can do is give your best explanation. Getting a top SAT of course would strongly support your explanation.

Thank you very much,I’m just going to do my best on SAT

So sad that There is no coming back.

I didn’t say that. I said you can’t erase it.