<p>I need some help. I just finished taking Chem this year in school so I took the Chem subject test (prepared for it for 2 wks before the test) in June. I thought I did fine but I did really bad. (got a 610-not okay) I am taking AP Chem next year. Should I retake the SAT Chem next year in June after the AP class or should I just concentrate on my stronger subjects and take those subject tests instead?</p>
<p>Concentrate on stronger subjects. The Chem SAT is by far the stupidest science SAT in my opinion. Are you taking either Biology or Physics next year at honors level+?</p>
<p>It does seem odd. I have to take that examine as a senior, but didn’t have the class for 2 yrs. Hopefully I can study for it. I won’t have Physics until senior year, so I have no other option…some top school’s want a science for engineering.</p>
<p>At my school, we don’t have biology or physics at the honors level. There’s Conceptual Bio (easier) and Biology (regular) and same for Chem & Physics. I just have Physics next year.</p>