retaking a high SAT

<p>i've taken the SAT once. i got a 2370. my schedule is totally free for the next saturday when the test is being held. my scores are CR 800, M 780, WR 790. math and writing are basically the easier sections, so i already aced the hard part. if i pull a 2400 superscore on my second try, will the pton adcom just consider my SAT score to be a perfect 2400, or will he be like "Hey Greg, get a load of this! Some kid retook a 2370! What a tool!"</p>

<p>tool! tool! tool!</p>

<p>it’ll be considered a perfect 2400, of course. surprised you got 2370 and didn’t know that :smiley: nobody’s gonna think you’re a tool. even if you score lower, they’re obliged to consider only your highest scores.</p>

<p>anyway they don’t accept february scores do they?!</p>

<p>^ i’m a junior. and i’m glad at least one person wouldn’t consider me a tool</p>

<p>Idk. I was in <em>exactly</em> the same situation as you last year, but with a 790 math and 780 writing. My essay was an 8 or 9 and I missed one math question that I misread, so I thought it would be easy to fix. I retook it, and my math turned into a 780, still with one wrong, and writing dropped to a 720 because I fixed the essay but got mentally tired near the end and messed up my Scantron. </p>

<p>Outside my personal experience, most people with really high scores do worse on retakes, so even if you manage the 2400 superscore you might do worse. Plus a 2370 is close enough to 2400 that I’ve heard colleges see them as basically the same. Don’t be intimidated by CC’ers stats, because there were only 1015 people who scored 2370 or above last year, so you really have nothing to worry about… I don’t think it would hurt you to retake, but it probably won’t help much either.</p>

<p>Try the ACT instead.</p>


<p>They specifically say they don’t like these kinds of kids. You’re not really going to be helping out their 25th-75th range, either.</p>

<p>^ i thought 1580 was their 75th percentile score. so if i improve from 1580 to 1600, i’ll be helping the range</p>

<p>Not to sound trite or anything, but what’s 20 points between friends at this point?</p>

<p>well, it looks like you’re gonna take it for the hell/fun of it because you’re bored on a saturday (which the possibility of that is impossible in my eyes, since Saturdays are pretty golden hours for sleeping 16 hours), so go ahead.</p>

<p>Don’t do it. They’ll think there’s something wrong with you.</p>

<p>i retook a 2320 and evidently they didn’t think there’s something wrong with me. So please go ahead.</p>

<p>go for it really. </p>

<p>Personally, I will be taking the SAT again just for fun in May, even though I’m a senior. But that’s because I will probably be doing summer tutoring and want to get 2350+ (from my current 2320)</p>

<p>I am jealous beyond belief right now haha.</p>

<p>Okay, personally… I wouldn’t retake it because if you do worse, it’ll look bad.</p>

<p>it won’t look bad! they look at superscore</p>

<p>dont take it again, tool</p>

<p>Take it again, don’t listen to jealous peeps. I hope you get into Princeton … actually I hope I get into Princeton :stuck_out_tongue: Good Luck !</p>

<p>These threads are worse than those started by URMs asking what their chances are at the top universities.</p>

<p>^^^^Very ignorant comment. Not all URMs are unqualified.</p>

<p>Learn how to interpret statements.
It’s not possible for you to have drawn that conclusion from my post.
There are personal issues you should resolve.</p>

<p>I was implying that it’s obnoxious to ask questions one knows the answer to.</p>

<p>“Do I have an advantage in admissions because I am of a certain skin color or ethnic origin? Do committees look favorably on people from certain backgrounds?”</p>

<p>“Should I retake a 23XX?”</p>
