Rethinking major already...?

<p>i’ve appllied to UCLA/CAL/UCI/UCSB/UCD as an econ/business econ major and i’m already wondering if this is for me.</p>

<p>math is absolutely my weakest area of study, and the more stuff i read about econ majors, the more i hear about math/graphs dominating the subject. </p>

<p>i’m taking ap econ right now to try and introduce myself to the material, and so far i can already notice the math/graphs, though they are quite simple right now. i don’t really know what i should do.</p>

<p>law school is a possibility, but it is still very early. should i change majors to something akin to political science?</p>

<p>is (business)econ going to be a struggle for a student like me who isn’t so strong in math and has yet to take calculus (i took stats ap instead)?</p>

I don't know enough about econ to help you, but I managed to survive college without taking one math class for the very reasons you mention. I took English Lit. At the time I went to law school, most law students had majored in political science. I was at an advantage (I like to think) because of all the reading and essay writing I did as an undergrad. While the poli sci majors also read and wrote (duh!), it was not as intense as English majors. At least that's what my husband says, as he majored in poli sci.</p>

<p>Still, major in something at which you are passionate -- it should be a fun learning experience. It shouldn't be a drudge or even something where you are already looking four years ahead. The great thing about law school (and this actually holds true for med school as well) is that it doesn't matter what you major in as an undergrad. </p>

<p>Interestingly, in law school I tried to avoid taking a course in tax (which I thought would have a lot of math), but when I found it necessary to take it, I found it surprisingly easy and surprisingly interesting.</p>

<p>In short, you have plenty of time to re-think your major, so don't worry about it!</p>

<p>The pre-requisites at most colleges for econ are very math based with classes like stats, calculus and micro and macro econ. Econ is totally a math based major dude. You can major in anything before going to law school so do what interests you and get really good grades.</p>

<p>thanks for the repsonses.</p>

<p>i'll have to think it through before i decide to change.</p>

<p>i'm about to enter uc irvine in the fall of 2007 as a business economics major.</p>

<p>however, i think i could do better (GPA wise) as a poli sci major. if i do law school in the future, which really interests me right now, i will want to be competitve in the application process for a top school like UCLA.</p>

<p>what troubles me with this though, is that if law school doesn't pan out (4 years is a long time) job prospects for a poli sci major don't seem as plentiful as those for a bizecon major.</p>

<p>any advice for the troubled and confused?</p>

<p>Do the UCDC program and you will find out there are lots of opportunites in political science. There are also plenty of opportunities within State government. You might want to see if you can get summer internships in Sacramento at the capitol.</p>