<p>Heck yeah I can’t wait to get back! I feel like this summer has been crushing my soul slowly. Im in over my head at my internship, and I would much rather be in over my head in my classes. Awesome new roomies, starting research, challenging classes, and 600+ miles from home. Less than 3 weeks to go!!!</p>
<p>No, not really. Excited to get away from my parents, yes (they’re driving me nuts!). Excited to go back to school, definitely not.</p>
<p>Excited? Not so much…mostly because I’ve been at school all summer (my university employs me). I don’t feel like doing schoolwork again, but it’ll be nice to see my friends.</p>
<p>Yes. I actually enjoy learning and taking rigorous courses. Then again I have to keep on track to accomplish my big goals.</p>
<p>I can’t wait! I have an awesome job being an RA, I’m taking three classes that are in my major, I made a ton of new friends working my summer job, and I can’t wait to see all my old friends! =D</p>
<p>YES. Had an unproductive summer with fruitless endeavors in obtaining a job, wasted time with a boy who wasn’t worth it and didn’t get to hit the beach up as much as I would’ve liked. I’m totally looking forward to being academically stimulated again… something to keep my mind busy and challenged.</p>
<p>Very much so! Living in the newest and best dorms this time. All my friends decided to rent off-campus apartments whereas I still wanted the “dorms” experience for another year. Hopefully I’ll get to meet some cool people again.
This summer has been dreadfully boring, and yes redundant suburban living DOES suck.
I really wanna go back right now. :/</p>
<p>I’m not clamoring for it but I am certainly a bit excited. I’m having a great summer with some of my old friends and doing some tourism and clubbing, but I gotta agree that I can’t wait to see my college buddies again and go fishing for some fresh meat when all the new girls who have no clue what they’re doing arrive lol.</p>
<p>Also i’m excited because i’m getting my first car as soon as the year starts and I have 3 new roommates in this appartment style dorm (everyone has their own single). Finally, I do actually enjoy what i study (in general at least), and I long to be back in America the country that I have always loved.</p>
<p>jtim are all the USC posts from you?</p>
<p>My school is horrid, but there is only one semester left before transferring completely to my other (better) school’s distance programme. This will save me plenty of gas money and I will not have to live in an overpriced ‘college town’ like Chesapeake or Blacksburg.</p>
<p>Going to Germany in Sept for coop!
<p>YESSSSS I can’t wait to go back to school! 2 weeks exactly, going back early for OCAT training (similar to RA) then another 2 weeks all of my best friends are coming back to school!!! Can’t wait to celebrate hahah :)</p>
<p>I miss Nashville and my friends, but I’m definitely not looking forward to the tons of reading that will await me when I go back.</p>
<p>1 week from tomorrow! Like lena, I go back super early for CSA (RA) training. I can’t WAIT!</p>
<p>I’m jealous of you guys that have days between move-in and classes. We move in on August 22 and start classes on August 24. Though I got approved to move in on August 20, and I’m pretty happy about that.</p>
<p>I have a nice three bedroom apartment on campus with two friends (my own room!), two classes in my prospective major and an awesome boyfriend who lives nowhere near me during breaks.</p>
<p>I didn’t do too well in school last year (all Bs and Cs), and I’m hoping to make or get close to Dean’s List. Also dealt with too much drama last year.</p>
<p>I’m transferring to a new school, but I am a sophomore. Well, technically. Long story! Anyway…</p>
<p>I’ve actually been super excited about going back to school ever since I decided to do an internship last semester instead of finishing up an associate’s degree. I liked the internship well enough, but I did miss being a student a lot. So I’m excited to start living on campus, and I’m excited for my schedule full of major-related courses and not general education classes :D</p>
<p>ASDRSM - I would advise living off campus if you dislike dorm-related stupidity. It’s worked for me :D</p>
<p>I can’t wait!!! 3 more weeks.</p>
<p>I was at a community college freshman yr and now i finally get to move out, live on campus, get away from my overly strict and protective parents, live life the way i want and attend a great school. I feel like the closer i get to the move in date the slower time goes by lol.</p>
<p>^ I feel the opposite, but that’s probably because we <em>still</em> don’t have everything ready and settled…</p>
<p>I move in…12 days. That’s scary considering all that needs done!! Next Saturday just seems way too soon!</p>