<p>are there any alternative courses you can take instead of HUM 3,4,5 for revelle students? i heard that phil can take the place of one of these courses, but i wasn't sure...</p>
<p>nothing at ucsd (unless you're an intercollege transfer) but there's a treasure trove of JC classes from which to pick.</p>
<p>i took PHIL 100-something at Mesa. Two 5-page essays and zero books later, and BOOM! Hum 3, 4, and 5 out of the way!</p>
<p>everyone i know took lots of community college classes to get rid of the hum requirement and they said it was the easiest way to do it....
but yeah but before you do make sure you talk to academic advising and make sure the college credits will transfer otherwise youll have taken it for nothing</p>
<p>do you remember what the phil course at mesa was called? i'd LOVE to just take one course over the summer to get rid of my 3 remaining HUM courses...</p>
<p>they were actually two classes at mesa to fulfill the hum 3, 4, 5 requirement ... phil 102A and 102B, i believe. it was 4 weeks in june (right after ucsd's graduation), 90 minutes each, M-F.</p>
<p>but one paper from each class ... so two papers total :) i got a 50/50 with nice compliments on both, which was a nice respite from the two quarters of hum 1 & 2, where i'd be repeatedly informed that my writing was on the level of a dyslexic baboon.</p>
<p>so were you able to take both classes in one summer? i'd rather take it all now then delay it to the summer after, when my writing would probably be much weaker</p>
<p>yeah, i took them together -- phil 102A was 8-9:30 am and phil 102B followed from 9:30-11 am. sometimes i could barely make it back to ucsd in time to TA at 12:30 :/</p>
<p>i wouldn't worry about your writing "getting weaker" -- as long as you read the occasional book (even textbook!), it's one of those skills that you keep refining.</p>
<p>What courses at mesa did you take to take care of hum 1 and 2? how hard was phil 100?</p>
<p>took hum 1, 2, 3 at UCSD ... mesa courses were beyond easy.</p>
<p>sweett..i guess that's one course im taking over the summer. do you know how many units we can take over the summer?</p>
<p>at a JC? as many as you want.</p>
<p>Would you recommend taking Hum 1 and 2 at UCSD, or is it just a waste of time?</p>
<p>Id take it…well, i did…just try it out, everyone is like <em>ooh big bad humm</em>…i dont think you should be allowed to trash it until you at least take one course…its actually very interesting</p>
<p>use assist.org people
select cc
select ucsd
select college or major
and see which classes are transferable</p>
<p>I know this post is a bit out of date… but, which community college is it referring to here? San Diego Mesa College?</p>
<p>@ patty, are you a freshman right now?
Cause Revelle changed up their HUM requirements for the class of 2009/current freshmen where you’re required to take HUM 1, 2, and one of [3, 4, or 5] at UCSD.</p>
<p>yeah I’m a freshman right now. I know how UCSD changed the requirements, but then I can still take either two of [3,4,5] at a CC right?</p>
<p>Yuppp. But if I had made it that far, I’d just complete the whole series at SD :)</p>
<p>haha really? because I’m afraid that the HUM courses here are hard :/</p>
<p>i did Hum 1-3 at UCSD, and hated the experience enough to not take 4 or 5, instead going to mesa the following summer.</p>
<p>sure, you get bragging rights (my friend mel even made “i survived the hum series” buttons in celebration) but you get to keep your sanity and get more sleep if you just take the easy way out.</p>