Review for Chemistry 2045?

<p>I am looking for recommendations for review materials to look over this summer for CHM 2045 and Lab. My highschool Chemistry was honors in Sophomore year, so I'm not sure I'm ready for this even though the placement test says I can take it. Don't really want to take CHM 1025 since I've heard that isn't all that helpful. Anyone have a favorite software program or review book that is more than practice tests that they would recommend? Any hints or advice about CHM 2045?</p>

<p>Lab, don't worry about it.</p>

SI units/conversion (e.g deci-, centi-, milli-, etc)*
MO theory
memorize you polyatomics (~25)*
naming acids
memorize the solubility rules*
know geometric shapes/ VSEPR theory
review who did what experiment (basis info)
electron configuration (including n, l, ml, ms)</p>

<p>I you don't have to review more that that. The more important are (*), if you only review a few.</p>

I am looking for recommendations for review materials to look over this summer for CHM 2045 and Lab.


<p>You could just get the text book your going to use. Unless you have Horvath, he has his own set of notes that he uses.</p>

<p>ASMAJ, I just recently got back from previews and Horavth is my chem prof. Is there anything I need to know about him as in like does he do pop-quizzes, strict teaching, etc etc?</p>

<p>Never took Horvath. The only thing I know is that he doesn't use the chemistry textbook. He has a lecture notebook that he sells at the local copy store. I would check <a href=""&gt;;/a> for comments. I remember the last time I checked they have some opinions/advice for the class.</p>

<p>Horvath is listed for Lab and "Staff" is listed for class. In looking back at Spring and Summer Course listings, Horvath is still listed as Lab and the class instructors are named - Mitchell, Keaffaber, and Gower. Does Horvath teach all the Labs, or is he the lecturer? Does a TA cover the fourth meeting of the class?</p>

<p>Horvath is the lab supervisor, TA's run the lab sections and the discussion section of your lecture schedule.</p>