
Sunday brunch and the omelets at Choate are the best!

Brunch is outstanding. Belgian waffles and made-to-order omelettes and just about anything else you could want.

I remember getting a picture from ChoatieKid freshman year of his dinner plate piled high with lobster remains. He said they had a special steak and lobster dinner that night. Kids were supposed to take one apiece but many kids didn’t like lobster or didn’t choose to have one, so he had three! He was one happy kid, but all I could think was, “Lobster for 800? Is that what I’m paying for?”

Fast forward five years. I get basically the same picture from West Point, only this time the plate is piled high with crab, and I’m thinking, “Crab for 4,000? Is there my taxes are going?”

New Parents: Not to worry, your kids will probably be eating better than you are at BS.

^^^ Rice or beans at home :smiley:

@buuzn03 rice OR beans??? Will it be so bad we can’t have them both in the same meal?

I remember the year I think Exeter got the first soft serve ice cream machine. Very quickly, all the top BSs followed suit. Choate has one. Food is definitely a consideration when you’re studying! Eat well, kiddos, eat well…:slight_smile:

@Korab1 yes, hard times call for hard measures!! Rice or beans! No luxury of having them together…and no tortillas on the side, either! :))

Ooh, there’s a soft serve ice cream machine at Exeter? :o

@buuzn03 the sacrifices we make for our kids! MMmmmm - now I’m hungry for arroz con pollo!

How about arroz sin pollo? :wink:


So I just got back from Putney: now we are driving back to Boston for MX and Milton. I’ve got to say: it really did exceed my expectations. I was really hesitant to revisit. Honestly it was great. We attended an “all school meeting” and all of the kids would get up and make their announcements, and all of their friends (and the entire school) would go nuts clapping and screaming for their friends after they were done. It made me really happy! The food was super good, too. I had some great salad. I attended some classes: the most notable was a required freshman class where English, history, and science are all integrated. It was honestly really really amazing: they spoke about an article about economic growth, along with its pros/cons. They also talked a lot about current politics and how the new administration in the whitehouse will have an effect on certain variables, etc. Apparently they were getting ready for a project where each student gets a country, they do intensive research on their countries, and they have an all day event where everybody negotiates for their country to try to reach some type of agreement to remedy some issues such as global warming/poverty/resources. I also got a tour from a current student who came from Milton as a day student in 10th grade. He said he came to focus on his art, because he never really got to really get into it in the past. He was into religion and his drawings were amazing, and all of his drawings were different metaphors for philosophical/religious concepts. A really cool place for personal growth, in my opinion. :smiley:

Wow @Nico.campbell, if anything, it seems revisits are making your decision harder!!! Lol. Glad to see that you are finding uber-positives from your visits. I’ll be interested to see what your final decision is!!!

Oh and thanks for not forgetting about the food!!! :))

My bet’s on Choate. :wink:

@Nico.campbell and @Atria : Will you both be at the next MX revisit? We’re all eager for you two to meet and report back!

@CaliMex Will do! I’m not sure if Atria is coming, but I hope so!

@ChoatieMom Hahaha! I’ve got to say: revisit day there really amazed me :wink:

I’m going to MX this Saturday, so I’m pretty sure @Nico.campbell and I will run into each other! That’ll be cool. I hope that @Atria is also coming!

Anyone headed to Boston this weekend check the weather and have appropriate clothing/footwear. The calendar may say spring but some snow/freezing rain is forecast.

Atria will be staying home and sleeping :smiley:
AtriaMum wasn’t convinced of the necessity of revisits…nor was she moved enough to change our long standing flight plans :wink:

We are revisiting St. George’s on Friday/Saturday. At least with the freezing rain & high winds forecast, GMCkid won’t be “tempted” by the idyllic setting!