Revoking Admission

Hello All.

I am getting my butt handed to me my senior year and in two of my weighted classes I am probably going to be getting C+ in 2 of my classes first semester. I applied ED 1 to GW and will be getting my admission decision probably this friday, if 2 C’s show up on my transcript, what could this do to my admission?

If it helps in any way, these C+ will technically count as B’s towards my weighted gpa but my unweighted is gonna take a large hit.

They won’t rescind their offer over C’s.

Is it common for senior grades to drop 1st semester? My son is in the same boat.

@VegasRoller I wouldn’t say that it’s “uncommon,” but what matters is how much they drop and why. If a student is still challenging themselves senior year and taking difficult classes, then sure, maybe they’ll slip a bit. However, if a student is getting “senioritis” and doesn’t care anymore because they’ve gotten into school, that can lead to a problem if grades are slipping to the point of D’s and below.

As long as you get a passing grade (a C or above), then admission offers won’t be rescinded.