<p>Hi I was wondering wat my chances would be if i applied to the rice/baylor program. here are my stats</p>
<p>640 volunteer hours (mostly in hospitals and some at the county IT department)
~2000 hours in a lab at UT Houston
co-authored 2 papers and published in stroke journals
USABO semifinalist
225 PSAT
2310 SAT
currently ranked #10 at high school
4.54 weighted GPA
ISEF attendee
Nationals HOSA in biomedical debate
AP Env Sci=5, AP Bio=5, AP WH =4, AP Lang=5, AP Phys B=5, AP Comp Sci=5, AP Stats=5, AP CAL BC=5
Rec letters from sheriff and one of leading doctors in stroke (and the counselor, teachers, etc)
essays = i think theyre good XD</p>
<p>^^forgot subject tests lol
math 2 = 800
physics = 800
bio e/m=800</p>
<p>You are a great applicant (even by Rice standards) stats-wise. Focus on the other aspects of your application – specifically, the essay – and you will be in a great position! Of course, no one is guaranteed. </p>
<p>Also, have you already written your essays? That’s awesome! Way to be ahead of the game. Now rewrite them
It’s worth it and at the very least you will have other topics or structures to play with!</p>
<p>lol its just that this program only accepts like wat…14 ppl in the nation? idk if i can compete with that even with these kinds of stats XD altho hopefully siemens this yr will go well for me…regardless in terms of essays yeah ima rewrite them with the help of my english teacher lol (more of a math dude not an english guy)</p>
<p>Yeah, sorry I was thinking more as an applicant to Rice. I’m a CS major, so I don’t know as much about the Baylor program. I still would focus on the other parts of your application that are not based on set in stone statistics. If you are really worried you can do something like take the SAT again, but what’s important is that you put your energy toward aspects of your application that can still improve and whose improvement will most substantially affect the overall quality (e.g. not worrying about grades). </p>
<p>Moral of the story: you are a great applicant even for a very selective program, and while certainly no one is guaranteed, you stand a much better chance than most of the other applicants! Keep up the hard work :)</p>