Rice Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

where did Rice announce? Instagram? Twitter? Or did you receive an email?

Just saw on instagram


Thanks just got the Twitter notification right after you posted. Good luck everyone.


My daughter immediately fell in love with Rice at first sight. Weā€™d visited a few other public universities with tens of thousands of students and we both knew that sheā€™d thrive better in a smaller campus setting. So applying ED to Rice University was her 1st choice.


Yā€™all. Today is the day. Only I have seen two released times; one for 4CT and one for 5CT. Either way, we have some answers soon. Good luck to everyone. My DS is being super quiet and chill about this whole thing and Iā€™m ready to buy truckloads of Owl figurines.

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Me too I saw 4pm CT on their Twitter and 5pm CT on their instagram

Looks like after 5pm CT per both their current Twitter and Instagram.


Good luck today everyone! Check out the countdown on the ED Central page.. And if youā€™re sharing your results online, feel free to tag CC so we can celebrate with you!

Weā€™re routing for you!

Tag or follow: @collegeconfidential on (Login ā€¢ Instagram ) and @collegecofide on (Redirectingā€¦) and Twitter .

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Yes original Tweet had a mistake and said 4pm CT. Luckily I took a screenshot so I know Iā€™m not crazy. The tweet has been revised to the correct time of 5pm CT.

I sent a heartfelt email to my son last night letting him know that whatever the decision today reveals, it does nothing to change how proud we are of him or how optimistic we are of his future.


Decisions anyone?

any updates?

my friend got deferred :cry: at least itā€™s not a rejectionā€¦

are all decisions already out?

Son was rejected. Heā€™s quite upset but weā€™ll get through this. Congrats to everyone who got it and if you got deferred or rejected, chin up!


My daughter was rejected. She has other options though. Good luck to you all!

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Rejected. We have to move on. Rice stole his heart, but heā€™s got to chin up and push through.


Accepted!! Congratulations to everyone who got in!