Rice Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

My son said none from his TX HS were admitted including one with a perfect SAT, varsity sport and president of a couple clubs. My guess is they mostly wanted CS and engineering.

Interesting to see that 6% chose business as their major. I believe that new program will have great success. Rice already extremely well in placement in IB and top consulting firms on per cap basis.

Just got accepted! Excited for c/o 2026!


Congratulations to the ones who got accepted, do you mind posting your stats?

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Our son just got accepted- he is on cloud nine!! He researched Rice and insisted on applying there - even though our family attended a (similarly ranked and selective) East Coast school for three generations. He loved Rice and insisted 
 We are looking forward to seeing him grow and make his own path - though his grandfather not very happy :joy::joy:


Our son applied for engineering
1570 SAT
Straight A student (including all of the AP courses in STEM) at a large public high school in Virginia.


Hi! I just got into Rice as a neuroscience major! Here are my stats: 35 ACT, 3/900+, 5.9 GPA (my school is weird), strong essays, showed a LOT of demonstrated interest, strong-ish ECs, Texas resident

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.8 (3.9 excluding freshman year when I had a big concussion)
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): 4.16/5.0
  • Class Rank: N/A but mid 50% weighted for school is 3.4-4.0
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 1560 SAT, no ACT

All the following are either required or AP level or above at my school

Math: Algebra II, Precalc H, Calc AB, Calc BC, AP Stats
CS/Engineering: APCS A, Data Structures H, Algorithms H, Engineering II H, Entrepreneurship 1-4
Language: Spanish 2 through AP
Science: Physics, Chem, Bio, Adv Physics H
Lit: US Lit, World Lit, 2 years Adv Seminars H
History: US Hist, World Hist, Economics (macro/micro)

AP scores: Comp Sci A 5 - Calc AB 5 - Macroecon 4 (taking Physics C, Spanish, Stats, Calc BC this year)

National Merit Commended
AP Scholar

FRC Robotics (50 person team)- 4yr, cap senior year, 1000+ hours
Niche sport - 4yr varsity, 2yr cap.
Niche sport - certified and paid coach
Intern at startup
Started non-profit open-source tech company designing a device that helps companies reopen during the pandemic
Virtual exchange experience (in-person one was canceled)
Assorted clubs i.e. math and chess.
Extreme sports as a hobby, skiing, MTB, rock climbing, etc.


@CagOz Congrats to your son! My daughter is a Rice freshman from VA (and would have been 4th generation had she chosen to attend the VA “family” school- so I get you there). There are not a lot of VA kids. We LOVE Rice!

@Rue4 - thank you for the message. We know almost nothing about Rice :slight_smile: I am sure my son would love to chat with your daughter for insights. (We are in Northern Virginia)

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Congrats to all those accepted ED! My daughter is a junior at Rice and loves it!


Tell him he is in excellent company. I have OUTSTANDING friends that were rejected. They just don’t let in enough people for us to all celebrate today.

  • UW GPA: 3.98/4.0
  • Weighted GPA: 4.74/5.0
  • We don’t do class rank but I would be 2nd at my school (public, 400 students in my class)
  • Standardized Test Scores: 35 ACT, 1470 SAT (didn’t submit :skull:)

APs (including senior year): Human Geography, European History, Physics I, Calc BC, Psychology, U.S. History, Chemistry, Lang, Biology, Spanish, Statistics, Lit, Macro, Micro, AP CSP


  • National Merit Semifinalist
  • AP Scholar w/ Distinction
  • Gold-Level Presidential Volunteer Service Award (2 years)
  • KMTA Honors Audition Winner (2020 and 2021) - violin award


  • Political internship
  • Legal internship
  • Math tutor (1 year)
  • Taekwondo instructor (2 years, was also 3rd degree black belt)
  • Youth Court
  • English tutor for Chinese students overseas
  • Violin (member of city’s Youth Symphony, concertmaster of school orchestra, all-state orchestra, solo competitions)
  • School honor societies (Tri-M president and Rho Kappa vp)

Letters of Recommendation

  • APUSH and Calc teachers - like 5/10 I’m sure they weren’t bad but I had both virtually and didn’t connect with either that much
  • Law clerk I interned with - 10/10

Another VA acceptance here.

DD accepted into biomedical engineering. 1560, 4.0 with 9 AP classes. Strong recs, strong interview, strong ECs. Not FLGI/URM. Strong demonstrated interest and current sibling at Rice.

Congrats to everyone accepted and best wishes for everyone.


My son got accepted to Rice! We live in DC but his high school is in Maryland.
35 ACT/ 3.9 unweighted GPA
He will graduate with 6 APs; 4 year varsity athlete & 6 years community service in Appalachia + documentary.


My son got accepted to Rice also under ED. We are local from Houston. We really excited about this.


Tips from those admitted ED?

Daughter applying RD for CS.
OOS and needs scholarships/aid to make it affordable. Thanks.

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Advice unfortunately is, should have applying ED.
Admission ultimately depends on the student profile. Assuming profile is strong, it is better through ED.
Affordability is not the reason of applying RD. Once accepted, they will try to financially make it work for parents.

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Hi, Rice likes kids who are involved with the community.

I didn’t think that ED improved an unhooked applicant’s chances that significantly at Rice. Am I incorrect?