Rice/Earth Science/chance me, please!

<p>Hello everybody,</p>

<p>I'm trying to transfer from NYU to Rice in the spring. I'll list some of my information, and maybe you all will comment on my chances of being admitted. But first, I am wondering if anybody knows of strong schools with reputable Earth Science/Geophysical Science programs, or any information on the strength of Rice's Earth Science department. Obviously, it'd only make sense for me to transfer if the program/degree will be more beneficial to me than a degree from NYU when applying to grad schools.</p>

<p>Now, stats:</p>

<p>It is currently the fall semester of my Sophomore year
NYU Environmental Science, Mathematics, Environmental Biology
I'm a College of Arts and Science Presidential Honors Scholar
3.65 GPA (but all A- or As in my Environmental classes; Bs are from GE humanities classes)
ACT = 34
High School GPA was about 3.7 unweighted
I'm pretty sure I have 2 good recommendation letters. One from a writing professor, and one from a professor who taught one of my ES classes. (I'm also doing an independent study with him this semester.)
Extracurricular activities:
The College Group at the Met: work to engage college students with programs at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC.
Interned at a non-profit theatre production company--The Foundry Theatre.
Worked over the summer with a non-profit group dedicated to reducing construction waste by encouraging recycling of usable building materials.
NYUnplugged: a program from the NYU Sustainability office that organizes a competition among dorm buildings to reduce energy use over a given time period.
[I know my first two ECs aren't related to my field at all, but I'm writing about my additional interest in theatre/museums on my app.]
Reason for transferring: NYU doesn't have a specific department dedicated to Environmental or Earth SCIENCE -- its Environmental Studies program is focused on the social/policy side. They have an Environmental Science track, but the class offerings are limited. Courant, the math department at NYU, has a center for Atmosphere-Ocean science, but it's mainly a graduate program. I am doing an independent study with a professor from this department this semester. </p>

<p>I think that is it....</p>

<p>Thanks for your feedback, guys!</p>