Rice or UMiami? Economics or Finance?

<p>Okay, I need to decide between Rice University and the University of Miami.</p>

<p>I decided to major in Finance.</p>

<p>I really want to go to Rice because it's pretty chill and prestigious, but it doesn't have a Finance major. It has Economics, though. However, Rice offers MBAs in Finance. The location seems boring, though.</p>

<p>The environment surrounding UMiami seems exciting and relaxing. UMiami does have a major in Finance, so that's why I'm considering that school.</p>

<p>I'm wondering, what's the largest difference between Finance and Economics?</p>

<p>Would you choose Rice or UMiami? Please tell me why.</p>

<p>(Other schools I got accepted and am slightly considering are NYU, UMinnesota, and USC. Any opinions on those?)</p>

<p>I like NYU… not over Miami, though, of course. I kinda wanna go there for grad school just for the NY appeal.</p>

<p>But according to [Top</a> Undergraduate Business Programs 2010 - BusinessWeek](<a href=“http://bwnt.businessweek.com/bschools/undergraduate/10rankings/index.asp?sortCol=rankid&sortOrder=1&pageNum=1&resultNum=50]Top”>http://bwnt.businessweek.com/bschools/undergraduate/10rankings/index.asp?sortCol=rankid&sortOrder=1&pageNum=1&resultNum=50) Rice’s business school isn’t even ranked in the top 150, while Miami is like 80 something. I actually know nothing about business or business schools, but based on everything else being more appealing at Miami, and the business school purportedly being better, it seems like you’d wanna come down to the U.</p>

<p>^^^ Uh, thats because Rice’s Business school is a graduate program, not undergraduate.</p>

<p>That leads me to ask how the OP can be majoring in economics without a business school. Like I said, I don’t know how it works. Could he not, then, go to a certified undergraduate business program, then apply to Rice’s graduate business program if he so choose? And, if he does take Rice’s undergraduate major in Economics (which is presumably outside of their business school), would he be able to get the graduate degree too? (MBA, I believe it’s called, right?) Like I said, I have no idea about how business school works - just trying to offer what help I can.</p>

<p>There are many wonderful schools (including many LACs) that offer undergrad degrees in econoimics. You dont need a business school to major in economics.</p>