Rice protection systems

<p>When do you get their anti virus system (CD I assume) and is it compatible with Windows Vista?</p>

<p>Also does an Fire Wall system or Anti Spyware come along with it? And also how good is Rice's protection system (the CD they give to you)</p>

<p>you dont get a CD</p>

<li><p>get a netID
[Rice</a> University - Online Account Management System - main/welcome](<a href=“http://apply.rice.edu/]Rice”>http://apply.rice.edu/)</p></li>
<li><p>Log in and request a Serial key (bottom-middle left). this will be sent to your rice email [ <yournetid>@rice.edu]
<a href=“https://my.rice.edu/ITSelfService/login.jsp[/url]”>https://my.rice.edu/ITSelfService/login.jsp&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/yournetid&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
<li><p>Download and install trend Micro PC-Cillin 2009
[Trend</a> Micro Internet Security](<a href=“http://www.trendsecure.com/easy_install/installer/entry/TM.COM/en/TIS17-S/en-US]Trend”>http://www.trendsecure.com/easy_install/installer/entry/TM.COM/en/TIS17-S/en-US)</p></li>

<p>IT has pictorial instructions here but the above links are exactly what you need</p>

<p><a href=“https://docs.rice.edu/confluence/display/ITTUT/Installing+PC-Cillin+2009;jsessionid=FCCAA7439E1286777C5A675295A615F7[/url]”>https://docs.rice.edu/confluence/display/ITTUT/Installing+PC-Cillin+2009;jsessionid=FCCAA7439E1286777C5A675295A615F7&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>hope this clears it up.</p>

<p>trend Micro isnt bad. it actively protects, so assuming you listen to it and dont visit sites it says DO NOT OPEN SITE you will be fine. it has a firewall in the package.</p>


<p>Are we required to use Trend Micro? I’ve been using Norton (and AVG) for years, and both work well on my laptop.</p>

<p>no you are not. as long as Cisco Clean Access accepts your antivirus software you are good. </p>

<p>Which means it needs to be up to date as well</p>

<p>…This is why yall need a Mac.</p>

<p>Then you don’t need to put up with all this silly antivirus stuff. ;)</p>

<p>until apple becomes mainstream. then they will be plagued by the same problem as the industry leaders are</p>

<p>I own a mac, they will need them eventually. I also own 3 PC’s and antiviruses arent a problem. Trendmicro just does its thing and never bothers me</p>

<p>And when Macs become mainstream and plagued with viruses, I’m switching to Linux :D</p>

<p>Cisco Clean Access? Will I need to install an av even if I dont use one?</p>

<p>Cisco clean access is a program you require on all 32 bit Windows systems. It is kind of a security protocol thing that allows you to log in using your netID and password. It also allows the admin to quarantine your PC if it is infected, so that it cannot spread over the network and ensures you have an av</p>

<p>Cisco Clean Access is not an antivirus. Rice provides Trend Micro PC-Cillin 2009 for free. If you own a PC, you MUST install an antivirus</p>

<p>Modernchem - if u have a PC, I have no idea why you wouldnt use an av. thats dangerous. if you have a mac/use linux you do NOT need clean access</p>

<p>I like to live life on the edge. also, I have a 64 bit os. also, av’s are for noobs.</p>

<p>you should be ok without clean access. however, get an av. like if u get infected, it can spread to people who dont like living life quite so much on the edge.</p>

<p>ill be mad if you kill all my computers :P</p>

<p>I can’t seem to log in to the website to get the serial key :(</p>

<p>But I’ll try again when I get back in the states</p>

<p>do you have your netID? (to log into rice email?)</p>

<p>yes… its just China firewall blocked access to the website</p>

<p>to the rice.edu website??</p>


<p>email IT and ask them</p>

<p>nevermind… after millions of attempts I finally got in</p>

<p>oh one more thing…</p>

<p>can we continually request new serial keys? Even once we graduate? Because that would be awesome if it is something we keep forever</p>

<p>i dont think so</p>

<p>i think your netID goes dead after graduation</p>

<p>that would suck then… sigh. I guess I will have to buy an antivirus system once I graduate…</p>

<p>or use </p>

<p>avast! or AVG . both are free and good</p>