Rice Republican?

<p>This might sound cliche, but since the university is in one of the few solidly red states in America, is this university more "kind" to republicans than others?
I'm not super-conservative, but after attending high school on a VERY liberal campus, a change of pace would be nice.

<p>Oh, and good luck to everyone who applied ED!</p>

<p>Just as a warning, while Texas is red, Harris county (Houston) was blue. Not that it should matter that much. The area may have nothing to do with the school. I live on the north side and I’m actually kind of a lone liberal in my school. Rice certainly seems to have an open mind.
Good luck : )</p>

<p>I’m moderately republican if that helps… haha</p>

<p>Rice, like the vast majority of top schools, leans liberal/Democrat. However, Rice is definitely more moderate than some western/northeastern schools such as Berkeley, Columbia, Brown, etc. In the election, Rice went solidly for Obama, but there were a fair number of McCain supporters, and a surprisingly large showing for Barr. There are quite a few Libertarians at Rice. </p>

<p>On average, Rice students tend to lean slightly conservative on economic issues but fairly liberal on social issues, and you will find more “very liberal” than “very conservative” people, though both extreme ends of the spectrum are few in number.</p>

<p>I’m republican, and eravial08’s pretty much right, Rice is a lot more conservative than Ivy league schools or western schools. i consider myself a libertarian-conservative mix in that i’m fiscally conservative and “mostly” conservative on social issues. Not sure why people vote for Barr, complete waste of a vote IMO. I’m still tryin to find the Rice Republicans club though.</p>

<p>alright, thanks.
I’m just starting my college search process, especially now that I have some SAT scores to work off of (Junior in HS). Rice seems great in every facet. The fact that the school is friendly to republicans is definitely a plus. It is certainly moving up on my list!</p>

<p>Haha I had the opposite concern as chicgeek. I was really afraid that a school in Texas would be too conservative for me (besides frowning upon drugs, i’m a total hippie). I have plenty of friends who are republican, and i enjoy verbally sparring with them.
i heard baylor across the street is super republican?
Glad that rice is a mix. Diversity is good :]</p>

<p>Baylor in Waco is super republican. Baylor across the street is a med school and they’re too busy to care =)</p>

<p>There are plenty of republicans, democrats, liberals, conservatives, libertarians, populists, etc… to keep you happy at Rice, no matter what you are. There are a few potheads here and there, too (more in some colleges).</p>