Rice Signature Page

<p>does anyone know what I am supposed to do with it? Do I put a picture of me? Do I write an essay? Any help would be appreciated. Here is the link to it by the way:<a href="http://futureowls.rice.edu/images/futureowls/FreshmanSignaturePage.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://futureowls.rice.edu/images/futureowls/FreshmanSignaturePage.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>You’re supposed to put “something that appeals to you”. Anything you want, pretty much. Draw something, write something, be creative and put something that represents you, your interests, anything.</p>

<p>ah i struggled with this for a long time, but i just drew a picture in the end. put whatever you want to put in it. my bet is that the adcoms just look at it for amusement in the midst of going through applications:)</p>

<p>I put tacos (seriously) they appealed to me at the moment (iwas hungry) dont worry about it</p>

<p>ok i just put a picture of muhammad ali (i was on his wikipedia page for some reason) thanks guys</p>